#!/bin/bash set -e HW_TARGET=$(uname)/$(uname -m) case $HW_TARGET in Darwin/arm64) echo Platform checked.;; Darwin/x86_64) echo Platform checked.;; Linux/arm64|Linux/aarch64) echo Platform checked.;; Linux/x86_64) echo Platform checked.;; *) echo Yo, dude. This script is for Linux/Darwin x64/arm64. Get this system and try one more time exit 255 esac if command -v gum >/dev/null; then TEA_GUM=`which gum` else curl https://tea.xyz -o /tmp/tea TEA_GUM=$(sh /tmp/tea --silent +charm.sh/gum which gum | tail -n 1) fi echo $TEA_GUM > /tmp/gum $TEA_GUM format -- < dotfiles picked from github.com:ivabus/dotfiles ## What will be installed by default * tea * neovim * htop * git * zsh * gum ## What could be additionally installed ### Compilers/Interpretators * LLVM * Rust and Cargo * Python ### Tools * GitHub CLI * make * automake * cmake * meson * ninja EoMD if ! $TEA_GUM confirm "Do you want to continue"; then exit 1 fi rm -rf $HOME/.env > /dev/null 2>&1 $TEA_GUM format "Installing env to \`$HOME/.env\`" mkdir $HOME/.env $HOME/.env/bin > /dev/null 2>&1 TEA_PREFIX=$HOME/.env/tea TEA=$HOME/.env/tea/tea.xyz/v0/bin/tea PATH=$PATH $TEA_GUM format "Installing \`tea\` to \`$TEA_PREFIX\`" curl https://tea.xyz -o /tmp/tea > /dev/null 2>&1 sh /tmp/tea --yes --prefix $TEA_PREFIX $TEA_GUM format "Installing \`zsh\`" $TEA +zsh.sourceforge.io sh -c "exit" PATH="$HOME/.env/bin:$PATH" $TEA_GUM format "Installing \`neovim\`" $TEA +neovim.io sh -c "exit" $TEA_GUM format "Installing \`htop\`" $TEA +htop.dev sh -c "exit" $TEA_GUM format "Installing \`git\`" $TEA +git-scm.org sh -c "exit" $TEA_GUM format "Installing \`gum\`" $TEA +charm.sh/gum sh -c "exit" if $TEA_GUM confirm "Would you like to install compilers/interpretators (LLVM, Rust, Python)?"; then $TEA_GUM format "Installing \`rust\` and \`cargo\`" $TEA +rust-lang.org sh -c "exit" $TEA +rust-lang.org/cargo sh -c "exit" $TEA_GUM format "Installing \`llvm\`" $TEA +llvm.org sh -c "exit" $TEA_GUM format "Installing \`python\`" $TEA +python.org sh -c "exit" fi if $TEA_GUM confirm "Would you like to install development tools (GitHub CLI, make/cmake/meson/ninja)?"; then $TEA_GUM format "Installing \`gh\`" $TEA +cli.github.com sh -c "exit" $TEA_GUM format "Installing \`make\` & \`automake\` & \`cmake\` & \`meson\` & \`ninja\`" $TEA +gnu.org/make sh -c "exit" $TEA +gnu.org/automake sh -c "exit" $TEA +cmake.org sh -c "exit" $TEA +mesonbuild.com sh -c "exit" $TEA +ninja-build.org sh -c "exit" fi $TEA_GUM format "Configuring \$PATH with installed progs" for i in "tea" "nvim" "clang" "clang++" "lldb" "rustc" "cargo" "htop" "make" "cmake" "automake" "meson" "ninja" "git" "gh" do ln -s $TEA $HOME/.env/bin/$i done $TEA_GUM format "Configuring dotfiles" $TEA_GUM spin --title "Cloning ivabus/dotfiles" $TEA git clone https://github.com/ivabus/dotfiles $HOME/.env/dotfiles> /dev/null mkdir -p $HOME/.env/dotfiles/zsh/plugins $HOME/.env/dotfiles/zsh/themes curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ivabus/ivabus-zsh-theme/master/ivabus.zsh-theme -o $HOME/.env/dotfiles/zsh/themes/ivabus.zsh-theme > /dev/null 2>&1 $TEA_GUM spin $TEA git clone https://github.com/zsh-users/zsh-syntax-highlighting.git $HOME/.env/dotfiles/zsh/plugins/zsh-syntax-highlighting --title "Cloning zsh-syntax-highlighting"> /dev/null sh $HOME/.env/dotfiles/tools/link_env.sh $TEA_GUM format -- <