
63 lines
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2023-01-31 15:31:34 +03:00
strip-components: 1
replace hardcoded versions (mostly) (#1733) * update(slirp) * update(poppler-data) * update(doxygen) * update(xcb) * update(sm) * update(xdmcp) * update(ice) * update(util-macros) * update(xtrans) * update(xmu) * update(xt) * update(xau) * update(xrender) * update(x11) * update(xcb-proto) * update(xpm) * update(xaw) * update(xorg-protocol) * update(exts) * update(lame) * update(nmap) * update(cairo) * update(unicode) * update(gts) * update(vim) * update(libtiff) * update(lua) * comment(bpb) * update(giflib) * update(gdk-pixbuf) * update(gobj-intro) * update(libcap2) * update(gnuplot) * update(dav1d) * update(wumpus) * update(librist) * update(subversion) * comment(jbig2dec) * update(moreutils) * update(eigen) * update(ogg) * update(musl) * update(libtool) * update(isl) * update(coreutils) * update(wget) * update(gmp) * update(libiconv) * update(stow) * update(sed) * update(gperf) * update(libunistring) * update(grep) * update(patch) * update(tar) * update(autoconf) * update(libgpg-error) * update(automake) * update(libksba) * update(npth) * update(libgcrypt) * update(libidn) * update(libassuan) * update(gnupg) * update(libtasn1) * update(ncdu) * update(freexl) * update(nasm) * update(ffmpeg) * update(libsodium) * update(mpg123) * update(freetype) * update(dnsmasq) * update(postgres) * update(xz) * update(docutils) * update(aom) * update(libssh) * update(gitlab-cli) * update(watch) * update(tree) * update(c-ares) * update(mpdecimal) * update(lzo) * update(graphviz) * update(nano) * update(yasm) * update(expect) * update(pcre) * update(file) * update(shared-mime-info) * use `gitlab:` builtin
2023-05-01 20:14:59 +03:00
match: /moreutils_(\d[\d.]*)\.orig\.tar\.gz/
- /moreutils_/
- /\.orig\.tar\.gz/
2023-01-31 15:31:34 +03:00
dependencies: '*'
PERL5LIB: ${{prefix}}/lib/perl5
dependencies: ^1
script: |
cpanm -l {{prefix}} Time::Duration
cpanm -l {{prefix}} IPC::Run
make all MANS=""
touch .noop
make install PREFIX="{{prefix}}" MANS=".noop"
rm -rf {{prefix}}/share
fix-shebangs.ts {{prefix}}/bin/*
# we unset MANS because it requires another dep in order to install and we dont yet have it
test: |
echo hello | isutf8
# test all the perl scripts work
chronic true
echo foo > f1
echo bar > f2
test "$(combine f1 OR f2)" = "foo
echo foo | ts
gzip f1
test $(zrun cat f1.gz) = foo
# ^^ cant test vipe or vidr easily because they require a tty
- bin/chronic # runs a command quietly unless it fails
- bin/combine # combine the lines in two files using boolean operations
- bin/errno # look up errno names and descriptions
- bin/ifdata # get network interface info without parsing ifconfig output
- bin/ifne # run a program if the standard input is not empty
- bin/isutf8 # check if a file or standard input is utf-8
- bin/lckdo # execute a program with a lock held
- bin/mispipe # pipe two commands, returning the exit status of the first
- bin/parallel # run multiple jobs at once
- bin/pee # tee standard input to pipes
- bin/sponge # soak up standard input and write to a file
- bin/ts # timestamp standard input
- bin/vidir # edit a directory in your text editor
- bin/vipe # insert a text editor into a pipe
- bin/zrun # automatically uncompress arguments to command