diff --git a/projects/netpbm.sourceforge.net/package.yml b/projects/netpbm.sourceforge.net/package.yml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..64c2e545 --- /dev/null +++ b/projects/netpbm.sourceforge.net/package.yml @@ -0,0 +1,393 @@ +distributable: + url: https://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/netpbm/super_stable/{{version}}/netpbm-{{version}}.tgz + strip-components: 1 +versions: + url: https://sourceforge.net/projects/netpbm/files/super_stable/ + match: /super_stable\/\d+\.\d+\.\d+\// + strip: + - /^super_stable\// + - /\// +dependencies: + github.com/jasper-software/jasper: '*' + libjpeg-turbo.org: '*' + libpng.org: '*' + simplesystems.org/libtiff: '*' + gnome.org/libxml2: '*' + zlib.net: '*' +runtime: + env: + RGBDEF: "{{prefix}}/misc/rgb.txt" +build: + dependencies: + tea.xyz/gx/cc: c99 + gnu.org/make: '*' + github.com/westes/flex: '*' + linux: + perl.org: '*' + script: + - run: | + sed -e 's|TIFFLIB = NONE|TIFFLIB = -ltiff|g' \ + -e 's|JPEGLIB = NONE|JPEGLIB = -ljpeg|g' \ + -e 's|PNGLIB = NONE|PNGLIB = -lpng|g' \ + -e 's|ZLIB = NONE|ZLIB = -lz|g' \ + -e 's|JASPERLIB = NONE|JASPERLIB = -ljasper|g' \ + config.mk.in >config.mk + - run: | + sed -i.bak \ + -e 's|CFLAGS_SHLIB = |CFLAGS_SHLIB = -fno-common|g' \ + -e 's|NETPBMLIBTYPE = unixshared|NETPBMLIBTYPE = dylib|g' \ + -e 's|NETPBMLIBSUFFIX = so|NETPBMLIBSUFFIX = dylib|g' \ + -e 's|LDSHLIB = -shared -Wl,-soname,$(SONAME)|LDSHLIB = --shared -o $(SONAME)|g' \ + config.mk + if: darwin + - run: sed -i.bak 's|CFLAGS_SHLIB = |CFLAGS_SHLIB = -fPIC|g' config.mk + if: linux + - rm config.mk.bak + + - make --jobs {{hw.concurrency}} + - make --jobs {{hw.concurrency}} package pkgdir=$SRCROOT/stage + - run: | + mkdir -p {{prefix}} + mv bin include lib misc {{prefix}}/ + + mkdir -p {{prefix}}/lib/pkgconfig + cp $PROP {{prefix}}/lib/pkgconfig/netpbm.pc + working-directory: stage + prop: | + prefix=\${pcfiledir}/../.. + exec_prefix=\${prefix} + libdir=\${exec_prefix}/lib + includedir=\${prefix}/include/netpbm + + Name: Netpbm + Description: Graphics utilities + Version: {{version}} + Libs: -L\${libdir} -lmylibrary + Cflags: -I\${includedir} + env: + CFLAGS: "-Wno-implicit-function-declaration $CFLAGS" +provides: + - bin/411toppm + - bin/asciitopgm + - bin/atktopbm + - bin/avstopam + - bin/bioradtopgm + - bin/bmptopnm + - bin/brushtopbm + - bin/cameratopam + - bin/cistopbm + - bin/cmuwmtopbm + - bin/ddbugtopbm + - bin/escp2topbm + - bin/eyuvtoppm + - bin/fiascotopnm + - bin/fitstopnm + - bin/fstopgm + - bin/gemtopnm + - bin/giftopnm + - bin/gouldtoppm + - bin/hdifftopam + - bin/hipstopgm + - bin/ilbmtoppm + - bin/imgtoppm + - bin/infotopam + - bin/jbigtopnm + - bin/jpeg2ktopam + - bin/jpegtopnm + - bin/leaftoppm + - bin/lispmtopgm + - bin/macptopbm + - bin/mdatopbm + - bin/mgrtopbm + - bin/mrftopbm + - bin/mtvtoppm + - bin/neotoppm + - bin/palmtopnm + - bin/pamaddnoise + - bin/pamarith + - bin/pambackground + - bin/pambayer + - bin/pamchannel + - bin/pamcomp + - bin/pamcrater + - bin/pamcut + - bin/pamdeinterlace + - bin/pamdepth + - bin/pamdice + - bin/pamditherbw + - bin/pamedge + - bin/pamendian + - bin/pamenlarge + - bin/pamexec + - bin/pamfile + - bin/pamfix + - bin/pamflip + - bin/pamfunc + - bin/pamgauss + - bin/pamgradient + - bin/pamlookup + - bin/pammasksharpen + - bin/pammixinterlace + - bin/pammosaicknit + - bin/pamoil + - bin/pampaintspill + - bin/pamperspective + - bin/pampick + - bin/pampop9 + - bin/pamrecolor + - bin/pamrubber + - bin/pamscale + - bin/pamseq + - bin/pamshadedrelief + - bin/pamsharpmap + - bin/pamsharpness + - bin/pamsistoaglyph + - bin/pamslice + - bin/pamsplit + - bin/pamstack + - bin/pamstereogram + - bin/pamstretch + - bin/pamsumm + - bin/pamsummcol + - bin/pamthreshold + - bin/pamtilt + - bin/pamtoavs + - bin/pamtodjvurle + - bin/pamtofits + - bin/pamtogif + - bin/pamtohdiff + - bin/pamtohtmltbl + - bin/pamtojpeg2k + - bin/pamtompfont + - bin/pamtooctaveimg + - bin/pamtopam + - bin/pamtopdbimg + - bin/pamtopfm + - bin/pamtopng + - bin/pamtopnm + - bin/pamtosrf + - bin/pamtosvg + - bin/pamtotga + - bin/pamtotiff + - bin/pamtouil + - bin/pamtowinicon + - bin/pamtoxvmini + - bin/pamundice + - bin/pamunlookup + - bin/pamvalidate + - bin/pamwipeout + - bin/pbmclean + - bin/pbmlife + - bin/pbmmake + - bin/pbmmask + - bin/pbmminkowski + - bin/pbmpage + - bin/pbmpscale + - bin/pbmreduce + - bin/pbmtext + - bin/pbmtextps + - bin/pbmto10x + - bin/pbmto4425 + - bin/pbmtoascii + - bin/pbmtoatk + - bin/pbmtobbnbg + - bin/pbmtocis + - bin/pbmtocmuwm + - bin/pbmtodjvurle + - bin/pbmtoepsi + - bin/pbmtoepson + - bin/pbmtoescp2 + - bin/pbmtog3 + - bin/pbmtogem + - bin/pbmtogo + - bin/pbmtoibm23xx + - bin/pbmtolj + - bin/pbmtoln03 + - bin/pbmtolps + - bin/pbmtomacp + - bin/pbmtomatrixorbital + - bin/pbmtomda + - bin/pbmtomgr + - bin/pbmtomrf + - bin/pbmtonokia + - bin/pbmtopgm + - bin/pbmtopi3 + - bin/pbmtopk + - bin/pbmtoplot + - bin/pbmtoppa + - bin/pbmtopsg3 + - bin/pbmtoptx + - bin/pbmtosunicon + - bin/pbmtowbmp + - bin/pbmtoxbm + - bin/pbmtoybm + - bin/pbmtozinc + - bin/pc1toppm + - bin/pcxtoppm + - bin/pdbimgtopam + - bin/pfmtopam + - bin/pgmabel + - bin/pgmbentley + - bin/pgmdeshadow + - bin/pgmenhance + - bin/pgmhist + - bin/pgmkernel + - bin/pgmmake + - bin/pgmmedian + - bin/pgmminkowski + - bin/pgmmorphconv + - bin/pgmnoise + - bin/pgmramp + - bin/pgmtexture + - bin/pgmtofs + - bin/pgmtolispm + - bin/pgmtopbm + - bin/pgmtopgm + - bin/pgmtoppm + - bin/pgmtosbig + - bin/pgmtost4 + - bin/pi1toppm + - bin/pi3topbm + - bin/picttoppm + - bin/pjtoppm + - bin/pktopbm + - bin/pngtopam + - bin/pnmalias + - bin/pnmcat + - bin/pnmcolormap + - bin/pnmconvol + - bin/pnmcrop + - bin/pnmgamma + - bin/pnmhisteq + - bin/pnmhistmap + - bin/pnmindex + - bin/pnminvert + - bin/pnmmercator + - bin/pnmmontage + - bin/pnmnlfilt + - bin/pnmnorm + - bin/pnmpad + - bin/pnmpaste + - bin/pnmpsnr + - bin/pnmremap + - bin/pnmrotate + - bin/pnmscalefixed + - bin/pnmshear + - bin/pnmsmooth + - bin/pnmstitch + - bin/pnmtile + - bin/pnmtoddif + - bin/pnmtofiasco + - bin/pnmtojbig + - bin/pnmtojpeg + - bin/pnmtopalm + - bin/pnmtopclxl + - bin/pnmtopng + - bin/pnmtops + - bin/pnmtorast + - bin/pnmtorle + - bin/pnmtosgi + - bin/pnmtosir + - bin/pnmtotiffcmyk + - bin/pnmtoxwd + - bin/ppm3d + - bin/ppmbrighten + - bin/ppmchange + - bin/ppmcie + - bin/ppmcolormask + - bin/ppmcolors + - bin/ppmdcfont + - bin/ppmdim + - bin/ppmdist + - bin/ppmdither + - bin/ppmdmkfont + - bin/ppmdraw + - bin/ppmflash + - bin/ppmforge + - bin/ppmglobe + - bin/ppmhist + - bin/ppmlabel + - bin/ppmmake + - bin/ppmmix + - bin/ppmntsc + - bin/ppmpat + - bin/ppmrelief + - bin/ppmrough + - bin/ppmshift + - bin/ppmspread + - bin/ppmtoacad + - bin/ppmtoapplevol + - bin/ppmtoarbtxt + - bin/ppmtoascii + - bin/ppmtobmp + - bin/ppmtoeyuv + - bin/ppmtogif + - bin/ppmtoicr + - bin/ppmtoilbm + - bin/ppmtoleaf + - bin/ppmtolj + - bin/ppmtomitsu + - bin/ppmtompeg + - bin/ppmtoneo + - bin/ppmtopcx + - bin/ppmtopgm + - bin/ppmtopi1 + - bin/ppmtopict + - bin/ppmtopj + - bin/ppmtopjxl + - bin/ppmtoppm + - bin/ppmtopuzz + - bin/ppmtorgb3 + - bin/ppmtosixel + - bin/ppmtospu + - bin/ppmtoterm + - bin/ppmtowinicon + - bin/ppmtoxpm + - bin/ppmtoyuv + - bin/ppmtoyuvsplit + - bin/ppmtv + - bin/psidtopgm + - bin/pstopnm + - bin/qrttoppm + - bin/rasttopnm + - bin/rawtopgm + - bin/rawtoppm + - bin/rgb3toppm + - bin/rlatopam + - bin/rletopnm + - bin/sbigtopgm + - bin/sgitopnm + - bin/sirtopnm + - bin/sldtoppm + - bin/spctoppm + - bin/spottopgm + - bin/sputoppm + - bin/srftopam + - bin/st4topgm + - bin/sunicontopnm + - bin/svgtopam + - bin/tgatoppm + - bin/thinkjettopbm + - bin/tifftopnm + - bin/wbmptopbm + - bin/winicontopam + - bin/winicontoppm + - bin/xbmtopbm + - bin/ximtoppm + - bin/xpmtoppm + - bin/xvminitoppm + - bin/xwdtopnm + - bin/ybmtopbm + - bin/yuvsplittoppm + - bin/yuvtoppm + - bin/yuy2topam + - bin/zeisstopnm +test: + dependencies: + freedesktop.org/pkg-config: '*' + script: + - pngtopam test.png -alphapam > test.pam + - pamdice test.pam -outstem ./test + - ls | grep "test_0_0.pam" + - xpmtoppm test.xpm + - pkg-config --modversion netpbm | grep {{version}} diff --git a/projects/netpbm.sourceforge.net/test.png b/projects/netpbm.sourceforge.net/test.png new file mode 100644 index 00000000..450b600e Binary files /dev/null and b/projects/netpbm.sourceforge.net/test.png differ diff --git a/projects/netpbm.sourceforge.net/test.xpm b/projects/netpbm.sourceforge.net/test.xpm new file mode 100644 index 00000000..41955e7e --- /dev/null +++ b/projects/netpbm.sourceforge.net/test.xpm @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +/* XPM */ +static char * favicon_xpm[] = { +"16 16 4 1", +" c white", +". c blue", +"X c black", +"o c red", +" ", +" ", +" ", +" ", +" .... .... ", +" . . . . ", +". .. .. .. .", +" . . .. . . ", +" . XXXXXX . ", +" . XXXXXX . ", +"oooooooooooooooo", +"oooooooooooooooo", +"oooooooooooooooo", +"oooooooooooooooo", +"XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX", +"XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX"}; \ No newline at end of file