distributable: url: https://github.com/turbot/steampipe/archive/refs/tags/v{{version}}.tar.gz strip-components: 1 versions: github: turbot/steampipe provides: - bin/steampipe build: dependencies: go.dev: ^1.21 script: | go mod download mkdir -p "{{ prefix }}"/bin go build -v -trimpath -ldflags="$LDFLAGS" -o $BUILDLOC . env: GOPROXY: https://proxy.golang.org,direct GOSUMDB: sum.golang.org GO111MODULE: on CGO_ENABLED: 0 BUILDLOC: '{{prefix}}/bin/steampipe' LDFLAGS: - -s - -w # They're not using LDFLAGS for the version yet -- https://github.com/turbot/steampipe/blob/08b447a26182731397a3bd599865098514281d0f/pkg/version/version.go#L13-L18 linux: # or segmentation fault # fix found here https://github.com/docker-library/golang/issues/402#issuecomment-982204575 LDFLAGS: - -buildmode=pie test: script: - run: exit 0 # GHA images run as root. steampipe cannot be run as the root user. if: linux/x86-64 - test "$(steampipe --version)" = "Steampipe v{{version}}"