distributable: url: git+https://github.com/tursodatabase/turso-cli ref: v{{version}} versions: github: tursodatabase/turso-cli/tags strip: /^v/ provides: - bin/turso build: script: - go mod download - go generate --tags=prod ./... - go build $ARGS -ldflags="$LDFLAGS" ./cmd/turso dependencies: go.dev: ^1.20 env: GO111MODULE: on CGO_ENABLED: 0 ARGS: - -v - -trimpath - -tags=prod - -o "{{prefix}}"/bin/turso LDFLAGS: - -s - -w - -X main.debugMode=false linux: # or segmentation fault # fix found here https://github.com/docker-library/golang/issues/402#issuecomment-982204575 LDFLAGS: - -buildmode=pie test: - run: 'test "$(turso db locations 2>&1 || true)" = "Error: user not logged in, please login with turso auth login"' if: <0.93.1 - run: 'test "$(turso db locations 2>&1 || true)" = "You are not logged in, please login with turso auth login before running other commands."' if: '>=0.93.1'