distributable: url: https://download.savannah.nongnu.org/releases/man-db/man-db-{{version}}.tar.xz strip-components: 1 display-name: man-db versions: gitlab: man-db/man-db dependencies: libpipeline.gitlab.io/libpipeline: '*' gnu.org/groff: '*' linux: gnu.org/gdbm: '*' build: dependencies: gnu.org/make: '*' freedesktop.org/pkg-config: '*' script: - ./configure $CONFIGURE_ARGS - make --jobs {{hw.concurrency}} install - sed -i.bak "s|$PKGX_DIR|\$PKGX_DIR|g" {{prefix}}/etc/systemd/system/man-db.service - rm {{prefix}}/etc/systemd/system/man-db.service.bak - run: | # Creating stubs for name in $(ls {{prefix}}/libexec/bin) do cat <$name #!/bin/bash config_file="\$(dirname \$0)/../../etc/man_db.conf" \$(dirname \$0)/../libexec/bin/$name --config-file="\$config_file" "\$@" EOF chmod +x $name done # These binaries do not require a config file rm lexgrog man-recode ln -s ../libexec/bin/lexgrog lexgrog ln -s ../libexec/bin/man-recode man-recode working-directory: '{{prefix}}/bin' - run: | if test -d man-db; then mv man-db/* . rmdir man-db ln -s . man-db fi working-directory: '{{prefix}}/lib' env: CONFIGURE_ARGS: - --disable-debug - --disable-dependency-tracking - --prefix="{{prefix}}" - --libdir="{{prefix}}/lib" - --bindir="{{prefix}}/libexec/bin" - --disable-silent-rules - --disable-cache-owner - --disable-setuid - --disable-nls - --localstatedir="{{prefix}}/var" - --with-config-file="{{prefix}}/etc/man_db.conf" - --with-systemdsystemunitdir="{{prefix}}/etc/systemd/system" - --with-systemdtmpfilesdir="{{prefix}}/lib/tmpfiles.d" provides: - bin/apropos - bin/catman - bin/lexgrog - bin/man - bin/mandb - bin/manpath - bin/man-recode - bin/whatis test: env: PAGER: cat script: # This check is specific to Linux because on darwin (macOS), the 'man' command does not display version information. - run: man --version | grep {{version}} if: linux - which man | grep {{prefix}} - man man