distributable: url: http://ftp.midnight-commander.org/mc-{{ version }}.tar.xz strip-components: 1 versions: github: MidnightCommander/mc/tags provides: - bin/mc - bin/mcdiff - bin/mcedit - bin/mcview dependencies: invisible-island.net/ncurses: '*' gnome.org/glib: '>=2.30' gnu.org/gettext: '>=0.18.2' runtime: env: #FIXME we prefer to fix this in the binary MC_DATADIR: '{{prefix}}/etc/mc/' build: dependencies: tea.xyz/gx/cc: '*' tea.xyz/gx/make: '*' gnu.org/autoconf: '>=2.64' gnu.org/automake: '>=1.12' gnu.org/libtool: '*' freedesktop.org/pkg-config: '^0.29' script: | ./configure $ARGS make -j {{hw.concurrency}} make install cd "{{prefix}}" fix-shebangs.ts libexec/mc/extfs.d/* for x in $(find libexec/mc -name \*sh -type f -depth 1) libexec/mc/ext.d/misc.sh; do sed -i.bak 's|{{tea.prefix}}|$TEA_PREFIX|g' $x rm $x.bak done sed -i.bak 's|{{tea.prefix}}|%p/../|g' etc/mc/mc.ext rm etc/mc/mc.ext.bak env: ARGS: - --prefix={{prefix}} - --with-screen=ncurses # Needed for the compiler to `#include ` CPATH: $CPATH:{{deps.invisible-island.net/ncurses.prefix}}/include/ncursesw # FIXME: hard to test interactive tools test: test "$(mc --datadir | cut -d ' ' -f1 | cut -d':' -f1)" = "{{prefix}}/etc/mc/" # ^^ tests relocatability