distributable: url: https://github.com/sharkdp/numbat/archive/refs/tags/v{{version}}.tar.gz strip-components: 1 display-name: numbat versions: github: sharkdp/numbat strip: /v/ build: dependencies: rust-lang.org: ^1.56 rust-lang.org/cargo: '*' working-directory: numbat-cli script: cargo install --locked --path . --root {{prefix}} provides: - bin/numbat test: fixture: | print(8 km / (1 h + 25 min)) print(atan2(30 cm, 1 meter) -> degree) let ω = 2π c / 660 nm print(ω) print("Energy of a red photon { ℏ ω -> eV }") script: - test "$(numbat $FIXTURE)" = "$OUT" env: OUT: | 5.64706 km/h 16.6992° 2.85402e+15 s⁻¹ Energy of a red photon 1.87855 eV