import { Installation, Package, PackageRequirement } from "types" import { useCellar } from "hooks" import { parse } from "utils/pkg.ts" /// processes Deno.args unless STDIN is not a TTY and has input export async function *args(): AsyncGenerator { if (Deno.isatty(Deno.stdin.rid)) { for (const arg of Deno.args) { yield arg } } else { let yielded_something = false const buf = new Uint8Array(10) const decode = (() => { const d = new TextDecoder(); return d.decode.bind(d) })() let n: number | null let txt = '' const rx = /\s*(.*?)\s+/ while ((n = await !== null) { txt += decode(buf.subarray(0, n)) while (true) { const match = txt.match(rx) if (!match) break yield match[1] txt = txt.slice(match[0].length) yielded_something = true } } if (txt) { yield txt } else if (!yielded_something) { for (const arg of Deno.args) { yield arg } } } } export async function *pkgs(): AsyncGenerator { for await (const arg of args()) { const match = arg.match(/projects\/(.*)\/package.yml/) const project = match ? match[1] : arg yield parse(project) } } export async function *installs(): AsyncGenerator { const cellar = useCellar() for await (const pkg of pkgs()) { yield await cellar.resolve(pkg) } } export async function toArray(input: AsyncGenerator) { const rv: T[] = [] for await (const i of input) { rv.push(i) } return rv }