distributable: url: https://github.com/alexpovel/srgn/archive/refs/tags/v{{ version }}.tar.gz strip-components: 1 provides: - bin/srgn versions: github: alexpovel/srgn strip: /v/ build: dependencies: rust-lang.org: '>=1.56' rust-lang.org/cargo: '*' script: cargo install --locked --path . --root {{prefix}} test: script: - test "$(srgn --version)" = "srgn {{version}}" - run: cat $FIXTURE | srgn --python 'doc-strings' '(?test.out fixture: | """GNU module.""" def GNU_says_moo(): """The GNU -> say moo -> ✅""" GNU = """ GNU """ # the GNU... print(GNU + " says moo") # ...says moo - run: cmp $FIXTURE test.out if: darwin fixture: | """GNU 🐂 is not Unix module.""" def GNU_says_moo(): """The GNU → say moo → ✅""" GNU = """ GNU """ # the GNU... print(GNU + " says moo") # ...says moo # archlinux doesn't have cmp or diff, but it has sha256sum - run: test "$(sha256sum test.out | awk '{print $1}')" = "$(sha256sum $FIXTURE | awk '{print $1}')" if: linux fixture: | """GNU 🐂 is not Unix module.""" def GNU_says_moo(): """The GNU → say moo → ✅""" GNU = """ GNU """ # the GNU... print(GNU + " says moo") # ...says moo