distributable: url: https://github.com/aristocratos/btop/archive/refs/tags/{{version.tag}}.tar.gz strip-components: 1 display-name: btop # if there’s a github then we can parse the versions versions: github: aristocratos/btop provides: - bin/btop dependencies: linux: # built fine for me on macOS 14 & Xcode 15 but won’t in CI complaining # that the provided clang is too old # llvm^17 should work but didn’t for headers not found reasons # needed for build and runtime gnu.org/gcc: '>=10' build: dependencies: darwin/x86-64: # it is not overly clear to us why this is required gnu.org/gcc: '>=10' env: linux/x86-64: LDFLAGS: -ldl $LDFLAGS script: - make - make install PREFIX={{prefix}} test: btop --version | grep {{version}}