distributable: url: https://github.com/opensearch-project/OpenSearch/archive/refs/tags/{{version}}.tar.gz strip-components: 1 display-name: opensearch versions: github: opensearch-project/OpenSearch dependencies: openjdk.org: '*' openmp.llvm.org: ^17 build: dependencies: cmake.org: '*' git-scm.org: '*' gnu.org/wget: '*' openjdk.org: ^17 gnu.org/gcc: ^12 # for gfortran linux: # on mac we use the Accelerate framework instead, on linux this is linked statically openblas.net: '*' script: # there seems to be a loader bug with trying to dlopen libc on macos 12 and earlier. # remove this step when macos 12 and under are no longer supported. - run: | sed -i 's|JNAKernel32Library.getInstance();|//JNAKernel32Library.getInstance();|' server/src/main/java/org/opensearch/bootstrap/Bootstrap.java if: darwin/x86-64 - ./gradlew -Dbuild.snapshot=false ":distribution:archives:no-jdk-{{hw.platform}}-tar:assemble" - run: tar --strip-components=1 -xf $SRCROOT/distribution/archives/no-jdk-{{hw.platform}}-tar/build/distributions/opensearch-*.tar.gz working-directory: ${{prefix}} # there seems to be a loader bug with trying to dlopen libc on macos 12 and earlier. # remove this step when macos 12 and under are no longer supported. - run: | rm -f lib/jna-*.jar if: darwin/x86-64 working-directory: ${{prefix}} - run: 'sed -i "s|#\s*cluster.name: .*|cluster.name: opensearch_pkgx|" opensearch.yml' working-directory: ${{prefix}}/config # checkout k-NN plugin - run: | if [ -d .git ]; then git fetch else git clone https://github.com/opensearch-project/k-NN . fi git checkout {{version}}.0 git reset --hard git submodule foreach --recursive git reset --hard git submodule update --init --recursive git config --global user.email "hello@pkgx.dev" git config --global user.name "pkgx" working-directory: k-NN # workarounds for m1 build. see: https://github.com/opensearch-project/k-NN/blob/main/DEVELOPER_GUIDE.md#extra-setup-for-mac-m1-machines - run: | sed -i -e 's/-march=native/-mcpu=apple-m1/g' nmslib/similarity_search/CMakeLists.txt sed -i -e 's/-mcpu=apple-a14/-mcpu=apple-m1/g' nmslib/python_bindings/setup.py sed -i -e 's/__aarch64__/__undefine_aarch64__/g' faiss/faiss/utils/distances_simd.cpp if: darwin/aarch64 working-directory: k-NN/jni/external - run: | sed -i -e "s|/usr/local/opt/libomp/|{{deps.openmp.llvm.org.prefix}}/|g" jni/CMakeLists.txt jni/cmake/*.cmake sed -i -e 's/pragma message WARN/pragma message /g' jni/external/nmslib/similarity_search/src/distcomp_scalar.cc export CC=clang export CXX=clang++ if: darwin working-directory: k-NN # this is recommended in https://github.com/opensearch-project/k-NN/blob/45e9e542aef60ef7073ee726e6ac14dec27bfa04/scripts/build.sh#L91-L94 - run: sed -i -e 's/-march=native/-march=x86-64/g' CMakeLists.txt working-directory: k-NN/jni/external/nmslib/similarity_search if: x86-64 - run: | cmake . --fresh make working-directory: k-NN/jni - run: | for LIB in *.jnilib; do install_name_tool -add_rpath @loader_path $LIB done working-directory: k-NN/jni/release if: darwin - run: | ./gradlew build --refresh-dependencies -x integTest -x test -DskipTests=true -Dopensearch.version={{version}} -Dbuild.snapshot=false -Dbuild.version_qualifier= ./gradlew publishPluginZipPublicationToZipStagingRepository -Dopensearch.version={{version}} -Dbuild.snapshot=false -Dbuild.version_qualifier= ./gradlew publishPluginZipPublicationToMavenLocal -Dbuild.snapshot=false -Dbuild.version_qualifier= -Dopensearch.version={{version}} working-directory: k-NN - run: | mkdir -p ./build/distributions/lib cp -v ./jni/release/libopensearchknn* ./build/distributions/lib cd ./build/distributions zip -r opensearch-knn-{{version}}.0.zip lib/ {{prefix}}/bin/opensearch-plugin install --batch file:`pwd`/opensearch-knn-{{version}}.0.zip working-directory: k-NN - run: echo 'export JAVA_LIBRARY_PATH="$OPENSEARCH_HOME/plugins/opensearch-knn/lib:$JAVA_LIBRARY_PATH"' >> opensearch-env working-directory: ${{prefix}}/bin if: darwin - run: echo 'export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$OPENSEARCH_HOME/plugins/opensearch-knn/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH"' >> opensearch-env working-directory: ${{prefix}}/bin if: linux provides: - bin/opensearch - bin/opensearch-keystore - bin/opensearch-plugin - bin/opensearch-shard test: dependencies: gnu.org/coreutils: ^9 stedolan.github.io/jq: '*' curl.se: '*' script: - opensearch-plugin list # While we'd love a good test like this, `opensearch` doesn't run as root, and managing # all the environment passthrough with `sudo` is a nightmare. - run: 'opensearch -version | grep "Version: {{version}}"' if: linux - run: | mkdir -p test/{data,logs} PORT=$(shuf -i 2000-65000 -n 1) opensearch -Ehttp.port=$PORT -Epath.data=$PWD/test/data -Epath.logs=$PWD/test/logs & pid=$! for i in $(seq 1 30); do curl -k --silent --fail http://localhost:$PORT/ > output.txt && break || sleep 1 done test "$(jq .version.number output.txt)" = \"{{version}}\" curl --fail -XPUT http://localhost:$PORT/my-test-knn-index -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d ' { "settings": { "index.knn": true }, "mappings": { "properties": { "my_vector1": { "type": "knn_vector", "dimension": 2 }, "my_vector2": { "type": "knn_vector", "dimension": 4 } } } }' curl --fail -XPUT http://localhost:$PORT/my-test-knn-index/_doc/1?refresh=true -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d ' { "my_vector1": [1, 2], "my_vector2": [1, 2, 3, 4] }' curl --fail -XPOST http://localhost:$PORT/my-test-knn-index/_search -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d ' { "query": { "knn": { "my_vector1": { "vector": [1, 2], "k": 1 } } } }' > output.txt kill $pid test "$(jq .hits.total.value output.txt)" = 1 if: darwin