distributable: url: https://hackage.haskell.org/packages/archive/cabal-install/{{ version.raw }}/cabal-install-{{ version.raw }}.tar.gz strip-components: 1 versions: github: haskell/cabal/releases strip: /^[Cc]abal / dependencies: haskell.org: 9 gnu.org/gmp: 6 zlib.net: 1 provides: - bin/cabal build: dependencies: haskell.org: 9.6.3 # later version pass invalid linker flags on darwin clang-14 curl.se: '*' linux/aarch64: github.com/numactl/numactl: ^2 # downloaded cabal needs this tukaani.org/xz: 5 script: # utf-8 issues - run: export HOME="$(mktemp -d)" if: linux - run: | if test ! -e .bootstrap/cabal; then if test ! -e .bootstrap; then mkdir .bootstrap fi curl -L "${BOOTSTRAP}" | tar Jxf - -C .bootstrap fi ## This seems dirty, but building is an internal-only gig atm. # Likely fix is to use CABAL_DIR in build scripts - run: | if test -e ~/.cabal/bin; then rm -r ~/.cabal/bin fi # this is not an acceptable solution, do you know a better one? pls PR 🙏 #FIXME also this sed line sucks but I got bored trying to make it work # zlib doesn't respect our rpaths with its intermediate build products - | sed -i \ -e 's/build-depends: base.*/build-depends: base >=4.10 \&\& <5/' \ -e 's/text.*>=.*/text >= 1.2.3 \&\& < 3,/' \ -e 's/zlib.*< .*/zlib >= 0.5.3 \&\& < 0.7,/' \ cabal-install.cabal # ^^ SEE https://github.com/haskell/cabal/issues/8118 - mkdir -p "{{prefix}}/bin" - ./.bootstrap/cabal v2-update - ./.bootstrap/cabal v2-install --install-method=copy --installdir={{prefix}}/bin $ADDITIONAL_CABAL_FLAGS env: darwin/aarch64: BOOTSTRAP: https://downloads.haskell.org/~cabal/cabal-install- darwin/x86-64: BOOTSTRAP: https://downloads.haskell.org/~cabal/cabal-install- linux/x86-64: BOOTSTRAP: https://downloads.haskell.org/~cabal/cabal-install- linux/aarch64: BOOTSTRAP: https://downloads.haskell.org/~cabal/cabal-install- linux: ADDITIONAL_CABAL_FLAGS: - -v3 # else segfaults - --enable-relocatable - --ghc-option=-fPIC - --ghc-option=-Wl,-pie test: - cabal --config-file=./config user-config init - cabal --config-file=./config info Cabal