distributable: ~ versions: url: https://vamp-plugins.org/develop.html match: /vamp-plugin-sdk-\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.tar\.gz/ strip: - /^vamp-plugin-sdk-/ - /\.tar\.gz$/ dependencies: xiph.org/flac: ^1.4 xiph.org/ogg: ^1.3 github.com/libsndfile/libsndfile: ^1.2 build: dependencies: gnu.org/automake: '*' curl.se: '*' script: # get archive url # ex: https://code.soundsoftware.ac.uk/attachments/download/2588/vamp-plugin-sdk-2.9.0.tar.gz # we need to find url from the page because it's not a fixed url - DIST_URL=$(curl -s https://vamp-plugins.org/develop.html | grep -o 'https://code.soundsoftware.ac.uk/attachments/download/[0-9]*/vamp-plugin-sdk-{{version}}.tar.gz') - curl -L $DIST_URL | tar -xz --strip-components 1 - ./configure $ARGS - make --jobs {{hw.concurrency}} - make --jobs {{hw.concurrency}} install env: ARGS: - --disable-debug - --disable-dependency-tracking - --prefix={{prefix}} - --libdir={{prefix}}/lib provides: - bin/vamp-simple-host - bin/vamp-rdf-template-generator test: script: - vamp-simple-host -v | grep {{version.marketing}} - cp {{prefix}}/lib/vamp/vamp-example-plugins.so $OUT - vamp-simple-host -l | grep 'Amplitude Follower' env: VAMP_PATH: $PWD darwin: OUT: vamp-example-plugins.dylib linux: OUT: vamp-example-plugins.so