distributable: url: https://github.com/joerdav/xc/archive/refs/tags/v{{ version }}.tar.gz strip-components: 1 versions: github: joerdav/xc/tags strip: /v/ build: dependencies: go.dev: '*' script: | cd ./cmd/xc GOBIN={{prefix}}/bin go install -ldflags="$LDFLAGS" . env: LDFLAGS: - -X=main.version={{version}} linux: # or segmentation fault # fix found here https://github.com/docker-library/golang/issues/402#issuecomment-982204575 LDFLAGS: - -buildmode=pie test: script: | cp $FIXTURE README.md xc system fixture: | # Tasks ## System Prints the `uname` info in all caps. Requires: pre-check ``` uname -a | tr a-z A-Z ``` ## Pre-check Runs `ls` in the current directory. ``` ls ``` provides: - bin/xc