#!/usr/bin/env -S tea -E /*--- args: - deno - run - --allow-net - --allow-run - --allow-read - --allow-write={{tea.prefix}} - --allow-env - --unstable - --import-map={{ srcroot }}/import-map.json ---*/ import { usePantry } from "hooks" import { pkg as pkgutils } from "utils" import { useFlags, usePrefix } from "hooks" import { set_output } from "./utils/gha.ts" import build, { BuildResult } from "./build/build.ts" import * as ARGV from "./utils/args.ts" useFlags() const pantry = usePantry() const dry = await ARGV.toArray(ARGV.pkgs()) const gha = !!Deno.env.get("GITHUB_ACTIONS") const group_it = gha && dry.length > 1 const rv: BuildResult[] = [] for (const rq of dry) { const pkg = await pantry.resolve(rq) if (group_it) { console.log("::group::", pkgutils.str(pkg)) } else { console.log({ building: pkg.project }) } rv.push(await build(pkg)) if (group_it) { console.log("::endgroup::") } } const to = usePrefix() await set_output("pkgs", rv.map(x => pkgutils.str(x.installation.pkg))) await set_output("paths", rv.map(x => x.installation.path), '%0A') await set_output("relative-paths", rv.map(x => x.installation.path.relative({ to }))) await set_output("srcs", rv.map(x => x.src?.relative({ to }) ?? "~")) await set_output("srcs-relative-paths", rv.compact(x => x.src?.relative({ to })))