distributable: url: https://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/autoconf/autoconf-{{ version.raw }}.tar.gz strip-components: 1 versions: url: https://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/autoconf/ match: /autoconf-(\d+\.\d+(\.\d+)?)\.tar\.gz/ strip: - /autoconf-/ - /.tar.gz/ provides: - bin/autoconf - bin/autoheader - bin/autom4te - bin/autoreconf - bin/autoscan - bin/autoupdate - bin/ifnames dependencies: gnu.org/m4: 1 perl.org: '*' build: - ./configure --build={{ hw.target }} --prefix="{{ prefix }}" - make --jobs {{ hw.concurrency }} install - cd "{{prefix}}" - fix-shebangs.ts bin/* - perl -pi -e 's|'\''{{prefix}}|"\$PREFIX"'\''|g' bin/autoconf # fix specific m4 and perl paths - perl -pi -e 's|{{ deps.perl.org.prefix }}/bin/perl|perl|g' bin/* - perl -pi -e 's|{{ deps.gnu.org/m4.prefix }}/bin/m4|m4|g' bin/* # fix hardcoded paths # this was a patch, but patches are fragile. this is more robust. for now. - PREFIX="$(echo '{{prefix}}' | sed 's/\+/\\+/g')" - perl -pi -e "s|'$PREFIX/|\\\$prefix.'/|g" bin/* - run: patch -p1 < $SRCROOT/props/relocatable.diff if: <2.72.0 - run: | perl -p0i -e 's/\nBEGIN\n\{/use Cwd qw(abs_path);\nuse File::Basename;\n\nmy \$prefix;\nBEGIN\n{\n \$prefix = dirname(dirname(abs_path(__FILE__)));\n \$ENV{'\''PREFIX'\''} = \$prefix;\n/s' bin/* perl -p0i -e 's|\n \# Normalize the|\n \# added by pkgx\n \@prepend_include = map { \$_ =~ s/\\\$PREFIX/\$prefix/r } \@prepend_include;\n\n \# Normalize the|g' bin/autom4te if: '>=2.72.0' - perl -pi -e "s|$PREFIX|\\\$PREFIX|" share/autoconf/autom4te.cfg test: dependencies: llvm.org: '*' # requires a C compiler to configure env: CC: clang script: - autoconf --verbose --debug - ./configure - test -f config.status - test -f config.log