distributable: url: https://cr.yp.to/daemontools/daemontools-{{version.marketing}}.tar.gz strip-components: 1 versions: url: https://cr.yp.to/daemontools/install.html match: /daemontools-\d+\.\d+\.tar\.gz/ strip: - /^daemontools-/ - /\.tar\.gz/ build: dependencies: gnu.org/gcc: '*' linux: kernel.org/linux-headers: '*' curl.se: '*' gnu.org/patch: '*' working-directory: daemontools-{{version.marketing}} script: # Fix build failure due to missing #include on Linux. - run: curl -L "$PATCH"| patch -p1 working-directory: $SRCROOT if: linux - sed -i.bak 's|/service|{{prefix}}/etc/service|g' package/run - rm package/run.bak - sed -i.bak 's|/service|{{prefix}}/etc/service|g' src/svscanboot.sh - rm src/svscanboot.sh.bak # Work around build error from root requirement: "Oops. Your getgroups() returned 0, # and setgroups() failed; this means that I can't reliably do my shsgr test. Please # either ``make'' as root or ``make'' while you're in one or more supplementary groups." - run: | sed -i.bak 's|( cat warn-shsgr; exit 1 )|cat warn-shsgr|g' src/Makefile rm src/Makefile.bak if: linux - run: xcrun package/compile if: darwin - run: package/compile if: linux - mkdir -p {{prefix}}/bin - install command/* {{prefix}}/bin/ - run: | sed -i.bak "s|{{prefix}}|\$(dirname \$0)/..|g" svscanboot rm svscanboot.bak working-directory: '{{prefix}}/bin' env: PATCH: 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/formula-patches/212baeaf8232802cf3dfbfcc531efa5741325bfa/daemontools/errno.patch' provides: - bin/envdir - bin/envuidgid - bin/fghack - bin/multilog - bin/pgrphack - bin/readproctitle - bin/setlock - bin/setuidgid - bin/softlimit - bin/supervise - bin/svc - bin/svok - bin/svscan - bin/svscanboot - bin/svstat - bin/tai64n - bin/tai64nlocal test: script: - softlimit -t 1 echo 'Tea.xyz' | grep 'Tea.xyz'