distributable: url: https://download.qt.io/official_releases/qt/{{version.marketing}}/{{version}}/single/qt-everywhere-opensource-src-{{version}}.tar.xz strip-components: 1 versions: - 5.15.10 dependencies: freetype.org: '*' gnome.org/glib: '*' libjpeg-turbo.org: '*' libpng.org: '*' pcre.org/v2: '*' google.com/webp: '*' gnu.org/bison: '*' github.com/westes/flex: '*' kerberos.org: '*' gnome.org/libxslt: '*' sqlite.org: '*' unicode.org: ^71 linux: alsa-project.org/alsa-lib: '*' freedesktop.org/fontconfig: '*' harfbuzz.org: '*' unicode.org: ~71 dri.freedesktop.org: '*' libevent.org: '*' x.org/ice: '*' x.org/sm: '*' webmproject.org/libvpx: '*' x.org/xcomposite: '*' xkbcommon.org: ~1.5 x.org/xkbfile: '*' x.org/xrandr: '*' x.org/xtst: '*' mesa3d.org: '*' zlib.net/minizip: '*' mozilla.org/nss: '*' opus-codec.org: '*' libsdl.org: '*' google.github.io/snappy: '*' systemd.io: '*' wayland.freedesktop.org: '*' freedesktop.org/xcb-util: '*' freedesktop.org/xcb-util-image: '*' freedesktop.org/xcb-util-keysyms: '*' freedesktop.org/xcb-util-renderutil: '*' freedesktop.org/xcb-util-wm: '*' facebook.com/zstd: '*' build: dependencies: nodejs.org: '*' freedesktop.org/pkg-config: '*' python.org: '>=2.7' gnu.org/gperf: '*' perl.org: '>=5.12' ruby-lang.org: '>=1.9.3' linux: llvm.org: '<16' gnu.org/make: '*' script: # this is a weird one; doesn't seem to get run by the makefile # https://forum.qt.io/post/640699 - run: | mkdir -p .rcc perl mimetypes/mime/generate.pl mimetypes/mime/packages/freedesktop.org.xml > .rcc/qmimeprovider_database.cpp working-directory: qtbase/src/corelib # MacPorts found this one: # https://github.com/macports/macports-ports/pull/18656/files - run: | sed -i.bak -e'/#include /a\ #include // std::move\ ' unique_any.hpp rm unique_any.hpp.bak working-directory: qtlocation/src/3rdparty/mapbox-gl-native/include/mbgl/util - ./configure $ARGS - make --jobs {{hw.concurrency}} - make -j1 install env: ARGS: - -verbose - -prefix {{prefix}} - -release - -opensource -confirm-license - -nomake examples - -nomake tests - -pkg-config - -dbus-runtime - -proprietary-codecs - -system-freetype - -system-libjpeg - -system-libpng - -system-pcre - -system-zlib linux: LD: clang ARGS: - -R{{prefix}}/lib - -no-avx2 - -no-avx512 - -no-sql-mysql - -platform linux-clang - QMAKE_LFLAGS=-Wl,-rpath,{{pkgx.prefix}},-ldl darwin: ARGS: - -no-rpath - QMAKE_LFLAGS=-Wl,-rpath,{{pkgx.prefix}} darwin/aarch64: ARGS: - -no-assimp provides: linux: - bin/assistant - bin/balsam - bin/canbusutil - bin/designer - bin/lconvert - bin/linguist - bin/lprodump - bin/lrelease - bin/lrelease-pro - bin/lupdate - bin/lupdate-pro - bin/meshdebug - bin/moc - bin/pixeltool - bin/qcollectiongenerator - bin/qdbus - bin/qdbuscpp2xml - bin/qdbusviewer - bin/qdbusxml2cpp - bin/qdistancefieldgenerator - bin/qdoc - bin/qgltf - bin/qhelpgenerator - bin/qlalr - bin/qmake - bin/qml - bin/qmlcachegen - bin/qmleasing - bin/qmlformat - bin/qmlimportscanner - bin/qmllint - bin/qmlmin - bin/qmlplugindump - bin/qmlpreview - bin/qmlprofiler - bin/qmlscene - bin/qmltestrunner - bin/qmltime - bin/qmltyperegistrar - bin/qscxmlc - bin/qtattributionsscanner - bin/qtdiag - bin/qtpaths - bin/qtplugininfo - bin/qtwaylandscanner - bin/qvkgen - bin/rcc - bin/repc - bin/tracegen - bin/uic - bin/xmlpatterns - bin/xmlpatternsvalidator darwin: - bin/balsam - bin/canbusutil - bin/lconvert - bin/lprodump - bin/lrelease - bin/lrelease-pro - bin/lupdate - bin/lupdate-pro - bin/meshdebug - bin/moc - bin/qcollectiongenerator - bin/qdbus - bin/qdbuscpp2xml - bin/qdbusxml2cpp - bin/qdistancefieldgenerator - bin/qhelpgenerator - bin/qlalr - bin/qmake - bin/qmlcachegen - bin/qmleasing - bin/qmlformat - bin/qmlimportscanner - bin/qmllint - bin/qmlmin - bin/qmlplugindump - bin/qmlpreview - bin/qmlprofiler - bin/qmlscene - bin/qmltestrunner - bin/qmltime - bin/qmltyperegistrar - bin/qscxmlc - bin/qtattributionsscanner - bin/qtdiag - bin/qtpaths - bin/qtplugininfo - bin/qvkgen - bin/rcc - bin/repc - bin/tracegen - bin/uic - bin/xmlpatterns - bin/xmlpatternsvalidator test: dependencies: linux: llvm.org: '*' gnu.org/make: '*' script: - qmake hello.pro - make - run: otool -l hello if: darwin - run: ldd hello if: linux - ./hello