distributable: url: https://codeload.github.com/pypa/virtualenv/tar.gz/refs/tags/{{version}} strip-components: 1 versions: github: pypa/virtualenv/releases/tags # reads github *releases* but uses the tags of those releases strip: /^v/ dependencies: python.org: '>=3.7' build: script: python-venv.sh {{prefix}}/bin/virtualenv test: script: | # verify version echo "$(virtualenv --version)" | grep "^virtualenv {{version}}" # create venv in venv_dir virtualenv venv_dir WANT=$(venv_dir/bin/python -c 'import sys; print(sys.prefix)') source venv_dir/bin/activate test $WANT=$VIRTUAL_ENV # verify that venv activates successfully pip install pycowsay # install a package inside the venv deactivate # exit venv venv_dir/bin/pycowsay "All tests pass!" # verify that pycowsay was installed inside the venv provides: - bin/virtualenv