distributable: url: https://github.com/pytest-dev/pytest/archive/refs/tags/{{ version.tag }}.tar.gz strip-components: 1 versions: github: pytest-dev/pytest/releases/tags strip: /^v/ dependencies: pkgx.sh: ^1 build: dependencies: python.org: '>=3.7<3.12' git-scm.org: ^2 script: - bkpyvenv stage {{prefix}} {{version}} - ${{prefix}}/venv/bin/pip install . - bkpyvenv seal {{prefix}} pytest provides: - bin/pytest test: script: - pytest --version # Must return true to pass test; we check for the failure response afterwards explicitly. - pytest >> test.txt || true - cat test.txt | grep "FAILED test_fail.py::test_answer - assert 4 == 5"