distributable: url: https://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/emacs/emacs-{{ version.raw }}.tar.xz strip-components: 1 versions: github: emacs-mirror/emacs/tags strip: /^emacs-/ ignore: [x.y.90] dependencies: gnome.org/libxml2: ^2.10.3 invisible-island.net/ncurses: ^6.3.0 libjpeg-turbo.org: ^ gnu.org/sed: ^4.9.0 gnu.org/texinfo: ^7.0.1 gnu.org/libidn2: ^2.3 gnutls.org: ^3.6 zlib.net: ^1.2 runtime: env: EMACS_ROOT: ${{prefix}} EMACSLOADPATH: ${{prefix}}/share/emacs/lisp EMACSDATA: ${{prefix}}/share/emacs/etc EMACSPATH: ${{prefix}}/libexec/emacs/{{version.marketing}} build: dependencies: freedesktop.org/pkg-config: ^0.29.2 script: - ./configure $ARGS - make --jobs {{ hw.concurrency }} install # we specify this with the env-var - cd {{prefix}}/share/emacs - mv {{version.marketing}}/lisp . - mv site-lisp/* lisp - rmdir site-lisp # doing it step by step to prove we didn’t leave anything here - rm {{version.marketing}}/site-lisp/subdirs.el - rmdir {{version.marketing}}/site-lisp - mv {{version.marketing}}/etc . - rmdir {{version.marketing}} # we need a stable EMACSPATH to advertise - run: | DIR=$(ls) mv $DIR/* . rmdir $DIR ln -s . $DIR working-directory: ${{prefix}}/libexec/emacs/{{version.marketing}} env: ARGS: - --prefix="{{prefix}}" - --enable-check-lisp-object-type - --disable-silent-rules - --with-gnutls - --without-x - --with-xml2 - --without-dbus - --with-modules - --without-ns - --without-imagemagick - --without-selinux - --with-x-toolkit=no provides: - bin/emacs test: script: - emacs --version | grep "GNU Emacs {{version.marketing}}" - four=$(emacs --batch --eval="(print (+ 2 2))") - test $four = 4 - emacs -batch -l $FIXTURE # test EMACSPATH - emacs --batch --eval '(progn (package-initialize) (print (with-output-to-string (package-list-packages))) (kill-emacs))' fixture: | (require 'simple) (defun my-print-message () "Print a message to the *Messages* buffer" (message "This is a message from my script")) (my-print-message)