2022-09-20 11:29:21 -04:00

135 lines
3.9 KiB

import { useSourceUnarchiver, useCellar, usePantry, useCache, usePrefix } from "hooks"
import { link, hydrate } from "prefab"
import { Installation, Package } from "types"
import useShellEnv, { expand } from "hooks/useShellEnv.ts"
import { run, undent, host } from "utils"
import fix_pkg_config_files from "./fix-pkg-config-files.ts"
import fix_linux_rpaths from "./fix-linux-rpaths.ts"
import Path from "path"
import * as semver from "semver"
const cellar = useCellar()
const pantry = usePantry()
const { platform } = host()
export default async function _build(pkg: Package) {
const [deps, wet] = await calc_deps()
await clean()
const env = await mkenv()
const dst = cellar.mkpath(pkg)
const src = await fetch_src(pkg)
const installation = await build()
await link(installation)
await fix_binaries(installation)
await fix_pkg_config_files(installation)
return installation
//////// utils
async function calc_deps() {
const deps = await pantry.getDeps(pkg)
const wet = await hydrate([...deps.runtime,], pkg => pantry.getDeps(pkg).then(x => x.runtime))
// deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any
function tuplize<T extends any[]>(...elements: T) { return elements }
return tuplize(deps, wet)
async function clean() {
const installation = await should_clean()
if (!installation) return
console.log({ cleaning: installation.path })
for await (const [path, {name}] of {
if (name == 'src') continue
path.rm({ recursive: true })
async function should_clean() {
// only required as we aren't passing everything into hydrate
const depends_on_self = () => => x.project === pkg.project)
const wet_dep = () => wet.pkgs.some(x => x.project === pkg.project)
// provided this package doesn't transitively depend on itself (yes this happens)
// clean out the destination prefix first
if (!wet.bootstrap_required.has(pkg.project) && !depends_on_self() && !wet_dep()) {
return await cellar.isInstalled(pkg)
async function mkenv() {
const env = await useShellEnv([...deps.runtime,])
if (env.pending.length) {
console.error({uninstalled: env.pending})
throw new Error("uninstalled")
if (platform == 'darwin') {
env.vars['MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET'] = ['11.0']
return env
async function build() {
const sh = await pantry.getScript(pkg, 'build')
const cmd = dst.join("").write({ force: true, text: undent`
set -e
set -o pipefail
set -x
cd "${src}"
${/*FIXME hardcoded paths*/ ''}
export PATH=/opt/"$PATH"
await run({ cmd }) // THE BUILD
return { path: dst, pkg }
async function fix_binaries(installation: Installation) {
switch (host().platform) {
case 'darwin':
await fix_macho(installation)
case 'linux': {
const self = {project: pkg.project, constraint: new semver.Range(`=${pkg.version}`)}
await fix_linux_rpaths(installation, [...deps.runtime, self])
async function fetch_src(pkg: Package): Promise<Path> {
const dstdir = cellar.mkpath(pkg).join("src")
const { url, stripComponents } = await pantry.getDistributable(pkg)
const { download } = useCache()
const zip = await download({ pkg, url, type: 'src' })
await useSourceUnarchiver().unarchive({
zipfile: zip,
return dstdir
async function fix_macho(installation: Installation) {
const d = new Path(new URL(import.meta.url).pathname).parent()
const walk = ['bin', 'lib', 'libexec'].map(x => installation.path.join(x)).filter(x => x.isDirectory())
await run({
cmd: [d.join('fix-machos.rb'), installation.path, ...walk],
env: {
TEA_PREFIX: usePrefix().string,