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synced 2024-11-10 10:35:17 +03:00
Because we checksum when bottling, they have the bottle file name. We need to upload data to the binary store that has the binary store key name.
108 lines
3.5 KiB
Executable file
108 lines
3.5 KiB
Executable file
#!/usr/bin/env -S tea -E
- deno
- run
- --allow-net
- --allow-read=/opt
- --allow-write=/opt/tea.xyz/var/www
- --allow-env
- --import-map={{ srcroot }}/import-map.json
import { S3 } from "s3"
import { PackageRequirement, Path } from "types"
import useCache from "hooks/useCache.ts"
import { Package, parsePackageRequirement, SemVer, semver } from "types"
import useFlags from "hooks/useFlags.ts"
if (Deno.args.length === 0) throw new Error("no args supplied")
const s3 = new S3({
accessKeyID: Deno.env.get("AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID")!,
secretKey: Deno.env.get("AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY")!,
region: "us-east-1",
const bucket = s3.getBucket(Deno.env.get("AWS_S3")!)
const encode = (() => { const e = new TextEncoder(); return e.encode.bind(e) })()
const bottles = new Set<PackageRequirement>()
const checksums = new Set<string>()
for (const filename of Deno.args) {
const path = new Path(filename).isFile()
if (!path) { throw new Error(`${filename} is missing`)}
if (path.basename() == "files.txt") { continue } // We don't need to upload this
const match = path.basename().match(/(.*)-([0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+)\+.*\.tar\.gz.*/)
if (!match) { throw new Error(`${filename} doesn't appear to be our bottle/checksum`) }
const req = parsePackageRequirement(`${match[1]}@${match[2]}`)
if (path.basename().match(/\.sha256sum$/)) { checksums.add(`${req.project}@${req.constraint.raw}`) }
else { bottles.add(req) }
// Ensure our sets are the same:
if (bottles.size !== checksums.size || ![...bottles].every(b => checksums.has(`${b.project}@${b.constraint.raw}`))) {
throw new Error("bottles and checksums don't align")
for (const rq of bottles) {
// Packages should be a fixed version, so this should be fine:
const version = semver.parse(rq.constraint.raw)
if (!version) { throw new Error(`Incomplete package version: ${rq.constraint.raw}`)}
const pkg = { project: rq.project, version }
const key = useCache().s3Key(pkg)
const bottle = useCache().bottle(pkg)
const checksum = new Path(`${bottle.string}.sha256sum`)
console.log({ key });
//FIXME stream it to S3
const [basename, dirname] = (split => [split.pop(), split.join("/")])(key.split("/"))
const bottle_contents = await Deno.readFile(bottle.string)
const checksum_contents = fixup_checksum(await Deno.readFile(checksum.string), basename!)
const versions = await get_versions(pkg)
await bucket.putObject(key, bottle_contents)
await bucket.putObject(`${key}.sha256sum`, checksum_contents)
await bucket.putObject(`${dirname}/versions.txt`, encode(versions.join("\n")))
console.log({ uploaded: key })
import { dirname, basename } from "deno/path/mod.ts"
async function get_versions(pkg: Package): Promise<SemVer[]> {
const prefix = dirname(useCache().s3Key(pkg))
const rsp = await bucket.listObjects({ prefix })
//FIXME? API isn’t clear if these nulls indicate failure or not
//NOTE if this is a new package then some empty results is expected
const got = rsp
?.compactMap(x => x.key)
.map(x => basename(x))
.compactMap(semver.coerce) //FIXME coerce is too loose
?? []
// have to add pkg.version as put and get are not atomic
return [...new Set([...got, pkg.version])].sort()
// Somewhat hacky. We call the bottle on thing locally, and another on the server.
function fixup_checksum(data: Uint8Array, new_file_name: string) {
const checksum = new TextDecoder().decode(data).split(" ")[0]
return new TextEncoder().encode(`${checksum} ${new_file_name}`)
} |