2022-09-25 08:41:58 -04:00

95 lines
2.3 KiB
Executable file

#!/usr/bin/env -S tea -E
- deno
- run
- --allow-net
- --allow-run
- --allow-read
- --allow-write
- --allow-env
- --import-map={{ srcroot }}/import-map.json
import { Installation, Package, PackageRequirement } from "types"
import { usePantry, useCellar, useFlags } from "hooks"
import useShellEnv, { expand } from "hooks/useShellEnv.ts"
import { run, undent, pkg as pkgutils } from "utils"
import { resolve, install, hydrate, link } from "prefab"
import Path from "path"
const { debug } = useFlags()
const cellar = useCellar()
const pantry = usePantry()
const self = await (async () => {
const project = Deno.args[0]
const match = project.match(/projects\/(.+)\/package.yml/)
const parsable = match ? match[1] : project
const pkg = pkgutils.parse(parsable)
return await cellar.resolve(pkg)
const [yml] = await pantry.getYAML(self.pkg)
const deps = await deps4(self.pkg)
const installations = await prepare(deps)
const env = useShellEnv([self, ...installations])
let text = undent`
set -e
set -o pipefail
set -x
const tmp = Path.mktmp({ prefix: pkgutils.str(self.pkg) })
try {
if (yml.test.fixture) {
const fixture = tmp.join("fixture.tea").write({ text: yml.test.fixture.toString() })
text += `export FIXTURE="${fixture}"\n\n`
const cwd = tmp.join("wd").mkdir()
text += `cd "${cwd}"\n\n`
text += await pantry.getScript(self.pkg, 'test', installations)
text += "\n"
for await (const [path, {name, isFile}] of pantry.prefix(self.pkg).ls()) {
if (isFile && name != 'package.yml') path.cp({ into: cwd })
const cmd = tmp
.write({ text, force: true })
await run({ cmd, cwd })
} finally {
if (!debug) tmp.rm({ recursive: true })
//TODO install step in CI should do this for test requirements also
async function prepare(reqs: (Package | PackageRequirement)[]) {
const { pending, installed } = await resolve(reqs)
for await (const pkg of pending) {
const installation = await install(pkg)
await link(installation)
return installed
async function deps4(pkg: Package) {
return (await hydrate(pkg, async (pkg, dry) => {
const { runtime, test } = await pantry.getDeps(pkg)
return dry ? [...runtime, ...test] : runtime