package main import "" // KeyMap represents the key bindings for the application. type KeyMap struct { NextInput key.Binding PrevInput key.Binding Send key.Binding Attach key.Binding Unattach key.Binding Back key.Binding Quit key.Binding } func DefaultKeybinds() KeyMap { return KeyMap{ NextInput: key.NewBinding( key.WithKeys("tab"), key.WithHelp("tab", "next"), ), PrevInput: key.NewBinding( key.WithKeys("shift+tab"), ), Send: key.NewBinding( key.WithKeys("ctrl+d", "enter"), key.WithHelp("enter", "send"), key.WithDisabled(), ), Attach: key.NewBinding( key.WithKeys("a"), key.WithHelp("a", "attach file"), key.WithDisabled(), ), Unattach: key.NewBinding( key.WithKeys("x"), key.WithHelp("x", "remove"), key.WithDisabled(), ), Back: key.NewBinding( key.WithKeys("esc"), key.WithHelp("esc", "back"), key.WithDisabled(), ), Quit: key.NewBinding( key.WithKeys("ctrl+c"), key.WithHelp("ctrl+c", "quit"), ), } } func (k KeyMap) ShortHelp() []key.Binding { return []key.Binding{ k.NextInput, k.Quit, k.Attach, k.Unattach, k.Send, } } func (k KeyMap) FullHelp() [][]key.Binding { return [][]key.Binding{ {k.NextInput, k.Send, k.Attach, k.Unattach, k.Quit}, } } func (m *Model) updateKeymap() { m.keymap.Attach.SetEnabled(m.state == editingAttachments) canSend := m.From.Value() != "" && m.To.Value() != "" && m.Subject.Value() != "" && m.Body.Value() != "" m.keymap.Send.SetEnabled(canSend && m.state != editingBody && m.state != pickingFile) m.keymap.Unattach.SetEnabled(m.state == editingAttachments && len(m.Attachments.Items()) > 0) m.keymap.Back.SetEnabled(m.state == pickingFile) }