Imports System.Text Module Program ' ' Dim ReadOnly _ Ring(,) As Integer = {{0, 32, 15, 19, 4, 21, 2, 25, 17, 34, 6, 27, 13, 36, 11, 30, 8, 23, 10, 5, 24, 16, 33, 1, 20, 14, 31, 9, 22, 18, 29, 7, 28, 12, 35, 3, 26}, {0, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2}} 'Второе измерение массива Ring необходимо для распределения цвета с помощью массива Colors по номерам 0 - белый, 1 - красный, 2 - чёрный Dim ReadOnly Colors() As ConsoleColor = {ConsoleColor.White, ConsoleColor.Red, ConsoleColor.Black} Dim ReadOnly _ RingRank0() As Integer = {0, 32, 15, 19, 4, 21, 2, 25, 17, 34, 6, 27, 13, 36, 11, 30, 8, 23, 10, 5, 24, 16, 33, 1, 20, 14, 31, 9, 22, 18, 29, 7, 28, 12, 35, 3, 26} 'ringRank0 нужен, чтобы было удобно подавать массив в поиск индекса Private Const ReleaseTag As String = "2.1.4" Dim _lang As Integer = -1 ' 0 - русский language, 1 - english язык Dim ReadOnly strings(,)= {{"История выпадений (последние 15): ", " Нажмите любую кнопку, чтобы начать игру! ", "Выберите сложность: ", "1) Лёгкая - 500 фишек в начале", "2) Нормальная - 100 фишек в начале", "3) Сложная - 10 фишек в начале", "4) Невозможная - 2 фишки в начале", "Выбор некорректен!", "Игра началась!", "Делайте ставки:", "Укажите суммы ставок:", "Ставки не корректны. Пропуск.", "Крутим колесо...", "Выпало: ", "У Вас {0} фишек.", "Продолжить игру? (Y/n) >>> ", "Неверный ввод, продолжаем игру.", "У Вас закончились фишки, игра окончена.", "Нажмите любую клавишу, чтобы выйти в меню.", "Рулетка / roulette", "Автор: Иван Бущик ", "Лицензия: MIT", "Сайт:", "Репозиторий:", "Версия: ", "Введите количество чисел для генерирования >>> ", "Погрешность генератора случайных чисел: ", "Игра Рулетка", "1) Начать игру", "2) Ознакомиться с правилами", "3) О игре", "Дополнительно:", "4) Проверка генератора случайных чисел", "0) Выйти из игры", "Ошибка!"}, {"Drop history (last 15): ", " Press any button to start ", "Choose difficulty: ", "1) Easy - 500 chips on the start", "2) Normal - 100 chips on the start", "3) Hard - 10 chips on the start", "4) Impossible - 2 chips on the start", "Incorrect choise!", "Game started", "Place your bets: ", "Specify the bid amounts: ", "The bids are incorrect. Skipping.", "Spinning wheel...", "Dropped: ", "You have {0} chips.", "Continue? (Y/n) >>> ", "Incorrect input, we continue the game.", "You have run out of chips, the game is over.", "Press any key to exit the menu.", "Roulette", "Author: Ivan Bushchik ", "License: MIT", "Website:", "Repository:", "Version: ", "Enter the number of numbers to generate >>> ", "Error of the random number generator: ", "Roulette game", "1) Begin game", "2) Check the rules", "3) About game", "Additional: ", "4) Checking the random number generator", "0) Exit", "Error!"}} Dim ReadOnly Logo() As String = { _ "#### ### # # # ##### ##### ##### #####", "# # # # # # # # # # # ", "# # # # # # # # # # # ", "# # # # # # # # # # # ", "#### # # # # # #### # # #### ", "## # # # # # # # # # ", "# # # # # # # # # # # ", "# # # # # # # # # # # ", "# # ### ### ##### ##### # # ##### "} Function GetIndex(mass() As Integer, obj As Integer) As Integer 'Функция получает индекс объекта в массиве For i = 0 To UBound(mass) If mass(i) = obj Then Return i Next Return - 1 End Function Sub DisplayHistory(history() As Integer) 'Эта функция не реализована в Game(), потому что это захламляло бы код Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.DarkBlue Console.Write(strings(_lang,0)) For i = If(Ubound(history) > 14, Ubound(history) - 14, 0) To UBound(history) Console.ForegroundColor = Colors(Ring(1, getindex(RingRank0, history(i)))) Console.Write(history(i) & " ") Next Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.DarkBlue End Sub Sub Sleep(d As Single) 'Название говорит о предназначении функции Dim t As Single = Timer Do while Timer - t < d Loop End Sub Sub Intro() Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.DarkBlue Console.SetCursorPosition(Console.WindowWidth\2 - Len(Logo(0))\2, Console.WindowHeight()\2 - UBound(Logo) + 3) For i = 0 To UBound(Logo) Console.WriteLine(Logo(i)) Console.SetCursorPosition(Console.WindowWidth\2 - Len(Logo(0))\2, Console.GetCursorPosition().Item2) Sleep(0.04444) Next 'sleep(5) Console.SetCursorPosition(0, 0) For i = 0 To (Console.WindowHeight()\2 - UBound(Logo) + 2)\2 Console.WriteLine(StrDup(Console.WindowWidth - 1, "#")) Sleep(0.04444) Next For i = 0 To Console.WindowHeight - (Console.WindowHeight()\2 - UBound(Logo) + 2) - 3 Console.Write(StrDup((Console.WindowWidth\2 - Len(Logo(0))\2)\2, "#")) Console.SetCursorPosition(Console.WindowWidth - (Console.WindowWidth\2 - Len(Logo(0))\2)\2, (Console.GetCursorPosition().Item2)) Console.WriteLine(StrDup((Console.WindowWidth\2 - Len(Logo(0))\2)\2 - 1, "#")) Sleep(0.04444) Next For i = 0 To (Console.WindowHeight()\2 - UBound(Logo) + 2)\2 - 1 Console.WriteLine(StrDup(Console.WindowWidth - 1, "#")) Sleep(0.04444) Next Dim entr = strings(_lang,1) Console.SetCursorPosition((Console.WindowWidth\2) - Len(entr)\2, Console.WindowHeight - (Console.WindowHeight()\2 - UBound(Logo) + 2)\4 - 3) Console.Write(StrDup(Len(entr) + 2, " ")) Console.SetCursorPosition((Console.WindowWidth\2) - Len(entr)\2, Console.WindowHeight - (Console.WindowHeight()\2 - UBound(Logo) + 2)\4 - 2) Console.Write(entr & " ") Console.SetCursorPosition((Console.WindowWidth\2) - Len(entr)\2, Console.WindowHeight - (Console.WindowHeight()\2 - UBound(Logo) + 2)\4 - 1) Console.Write(StrDup(Len(entr) + 2, " ")) Console.SetCursorPosition(0, 0) Console.ReadKey Console.Clear End Sub Function SpinWheel() As String() Dim rnd As New Random Dim probability(36) As Double Dim whatDropped As New List(Of String) For k = 0 To rnd.Next(1, 5) For i = 0 To rnd.Next(1, rnd.Next(5, 100)) rnd.NextDouble() Randomize Next Next Dim max As Double = 0 Dim dropped As Integer For i = 0 To 36 probability(i) = rnd.NextDouble() if probability(i) > max then max = probability(i) dropped = i End If Next whatDropped.Add(Ring(0, dropped).ToString()) If dropped = 0 Then return whatDropped.ToArray() If Ring(0, dropped) mod 2 = 0 whatDropped.Add("EVEN") Else whatDropped.Add("ODD") End If If Ring(0, dropped) mod 3 = 0 whatDropped.Add("3L") Else If Ring(0, dropped) mod 3 = 1 whatDropped.Add("2L") Else whatDropped.Add("1L") End If If Ring(1, dropped) = 1 whatDropped.Add("RED") Else If Ring(1, dropped) = 2 whatDropped.Add("BLACK") End If If Ring(0, dropped) > 0 And Ring(0, dropped) <= 12 whatDropped.Add("F12") Else If Ring(0, dropped) > 12 And Ring(0, dropped) <= 24 whatDropped.Add("S12") Else If Ring(0, dropped) > 24 whatDropped.Add("T12") End If If Ring(0, dropped) > 0 And Ring(0, dropped) < 19 whatDropped.Add("TO18") ElseIf Ring(0, dropped) > 18 whatDropped.Add("FROM18") End If Return whatDropped.ToArray() End Function Sub Display(dropped As Integer) Console.BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green Console.Clear() If Ring(0, 0) <> dropped Console.BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.Black Console.ForegroundColor = Colors(Ring(1, 0)) Console.Write(Ring(0, 0) & " ") Console.BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green Else Console.BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.White Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Black Console.Write(Ring(0, 0)) Console.BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green Console.Write(" ") End If For i = 1 To 36 If Ring(0, i) <> dropped Console.ForegroundColor = Colors(Ring(1, i)) Console.Write(Ring(0, i) & " ") Else Console.BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.White Console.ForegroundColor = Colors(Ring(1, i)) Console.Write(Ring(0, i)) Console.BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green Console.Write(" ") End If Next Dim temp As Integer Console.WriteLine() Console.WriteLine() For i = 3 To 36 Step 3 temp = GetIndex(RingRank0, i) If i <> dropped Console.ForegroundColor = Colors(Ring(1, temp)) Console.Write("{0,2:G} ", i) Else Console.BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.White Console.ForegroundColor = Colors(Ring(1, temp)) Console.Write("{0,2:G}", i) Console.BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green Console.Write(" ") End If Next Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.DarkBlue Console.Write(" 3L") Console.WriteLine() For i = 2 To 36 Step 3 temp = GetIndex(RingRank0, i) If i <> dropped Console.ForegroundColor = Colors(Ring(1, temp)) Console.Write("{0,2:G} ", i) Else Console.BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.White Console.ForegroundColor = Colors(Ring(1, temp)) Console.Write("{0,2:G}", i) Console.BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green Console.Write(" ") End If Next Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.DarkBlue Console.Write(" 2L") Console.WriteLine() For i = 1 To 36 Step 3 temp = GetIndex(RingRank0, i) If i <> dropped Console.ForegroundColor = Colors(Ring(1, temp)) Console.Write("{0,2:G} ", i) Else Console.BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.White Console.ForegroundColor = Colors(Ring(1, temp)) Console.Write("{0,2:G}", i) Console.BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green Console.Write(" ") End If Next Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.DarkBlue Console.Write(" 1L") Console.WriteLine() Console.WriteLine(" F12 | S12 | T12 ") Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.DarkBlue End Sub Sub Rules() If _lang = 0 Then Console.Clear Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.DarkBlue Console.WriteLine("Рекомендуемое разрешение консоли: 100x35") Console.WriteLine("Минимальное разрешение консоли: 100х20") Console.WriteLine("Правила:") Console.WriteLine( "Игра представляет собой Европейскую рулетку. Игрок должен сделать ставку на определённую зону, будь то число, сектор, строка, чётность или цвет. Игрок может делать несколько ставок. Ставки вводятся в предоставленную зону через пробел.") Console.WriteLine("<число 0 - 36> - ставка на число (1:36).") Console.WriteLine("1L/2L/3L - 1/2/3 линия соответственно, снизу вверх (1:3).") Console.WriteLine("F12/S12/T12 - ставка на сектора от 1 по 12/от 13 по 24/от 25 по 36 соответственно (1:3).") Console.WriteLine("RED/BLACK - ставка на цвет (1:2).") Console.WriteLine("TO18/FROM18 - ставка на сектор от 1 по 18/от 19 по 36 (1:2).") Console.WriteLine("EVEN/ODD - чётные/нечётные (1:2).") Console.WriteLine("Игрок изначально получает 500, 100, 10, 2 фишки.") Console.WriteLine( "После того, как игрок укажет, на что ставит, он указывает количество фишек на каждую ставку через пробел.") Console.WriteLine("Например:") Console.WriteLine("Делайте ставки >>> 0 16 2L T12 RED ODD") Console.WriteLine("Укажите суммы ставок >>> 100 50 500 500 1000 1000") Console.WriteLine( "ВНИМАНИЕ! Количество ставок должно совпадать с количеством фишек, которые ставите, в примере 6 = 6.") Console.WriteLine("Или просто нажмите ENTER, чтобы пропустить ставку.") Console.WriteLine("Удачи!") Console.ReadKey() Else Console.Clear Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.DarkBlue Console.WriteLine("Recommended console resolution: 100x35") Console.WriteLine("Minimum console resolution: 100x20") Console.WriteLine("Rules:") Console.WriteLine ( "The game is a European roulette. The player must place a bet on a certain zone, whether it is a number, dozen, column, parity or color. A player can place several bets. Bids are entered into the provided zone separated by a space.") Console.WriteLine(" - bet on the number (1:36).") Console.WriteLine("1L/2L/3L - 1/2/3 line, respectively, from bottom to top (1:3).") Console.WriteLine("F12/S12/T12 - bet on sectors from 1 to 12/from 13 to 24/from 25 to 36 respectively (1:3).") Console.WriteLine("RED/BLACK - bet on color (1:2).") Console.WriteLine("TO18/FROM18 - bet on the dozen from 1 to 18/from 19 to 36 (1:2).") Console.WriteLine("EVEN/ODD - even/odd (1:2).") Console.WriteLine("The player initially receives 500,100,10 or 2 chips.") Console.WriteLine ( "After the player indicates what he is betting on, he indicates the number of chips for each bet separated by a space.") Console.WriteLine("For example:") Console.WriteLine("Place bets >>> 0 16 2L T12 RED ODD") Console.WriteLine("Specify the bid amounts >>> 100 50 500 500 1000 1000") Console.WriteLine( "ATTENTION! The number of bets must match the number of chips you bet, in the example 6 = 6.") Console.WriteLine("Or just press ENTER to skip the bet.") Console.WriteLine("Good luck!") Console.ReadKey() End If End Sub Sub Game() Console.WriteLine(strings(_lang, 2)) Console.WriteLine(strings(_lang, 3)) Console.WriteLine(strings(_lang, 4)) Console.WriteLine(strings(_lang, 5)) Console.WriteLine(strings(_lang, 6)) Console.Write(">>> ") Dim choose As Integer = Console.ReadLine() Dim fish As Long Select Case choose Case 1 fish = 500 Case 2 fish = 100 Case 3 fish = 10 Case 4 fish = 2 Case Else Console.WriteLine(strings(_lang, 7)) End Select Console.WriteLine(strings(_lang,8)) Dim history As New List(Of Integer) Console.Clear() Do while fish > 0 Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.DarkBlue Dim generated() As String = SpinWheel() history.Add(generated(0)) Console.WriteLine(strings(_lang,9)) Console.Write(">>> ") Dim stav stav = UCase(Console.ReadLine()).Split.ToList() Console.WriteLine(strings(_lang,10)) Console.Write(">>> ") Dim summ() As String summ = Console.ReadLine().Split For i = 0 To UBound(summ) If not IsNumeric(summ(i)) Then Console.WriteLine(strings(_lang,11)) Continue Do End If Next Dim summs As New List(Of Integer) For i = 0 To UBound(summ) summs.add(Int(summ(i))) Next If stav.Count <> summs.Count Or summs.ToArray.Sum() > fish Then Console.WriteLine(strings(_lang, 11)) Continue Do End If For i = 0 To summs.Count - 1 If summs(i) < 0 Then Console.WriteLine(strings(_lang, 11)) Continue Do End If Next Console.WriteLine(strings(_lang, 12)) Sleep(0.5) Console.Clear() Display(Int(generated(0))) Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.DarkBlue Dim indedx As Integer For i = 0 To UBound(generated) If stav.Contains(generated(i)) Then indedx = stav.IndexOf(generated(i)) If IsNumeric(generated(i)) fish += summ(indedx)*35 Else If _ generated(i) = "RED" Or generated(i) = "BLACK" Or generated(i) = "ODD" Or generated(i) = "EVEN" Or generated(i) = "FROM18" Or generated(i) = "TO18" Then fish += summ(indedx)*1 Else If _ generated(i) = "3L" Or generated(i) = "2L" Or generated(i) = "1L" Or generated(i) = "F12" Or generated(i) = "S12" Or generated(i) = "T12" Then fish += summ(indedx)*2 End If stav.RemoveAt(indedx) summs.RemoveAt(indedx) End If Next For i = 0 To summs.Count - 1 fish -= summs(i) Next Console.WriteLine() Console.Write(strings(_lang,13)) For i = 0 To UBound(generated) Console.Write(generated(i) & " ") Next Console.WriteLine() DisplayHistory(history.ToArray()) Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.DarkBlue Console.WriteLine() Console.WriteLine(strings(_lang, 14), fish) Console.Write(strings(_lang, 15)) Dim temp As String = Console.ReadLine() If temp = "n" or temp = "N" Then Exit Sub Else IF temp = "" or temp = "y" or temp = "Y" Console.Write("") Else Console.WriteLine(strings(_lang, 16)) End If Loop Console.WriteLine(strings(_lang, 17)) Console.WriteLine(strings(_lang, 18)) Console.ReadKey() End Sub Sub About() Console.Clear() Console.WriteLine(strings(_lang, 19)) Console.WriteLine(strings(_lang, 20)) Console.WriteLine(strings(_lang, 21)) Console.WriteLine(strings(_lang, 22)) Console.WriteLine(strings(_lang, 23)) Console.WriteLine(strings(_lang, 24) + ReleaseTag) Console.WriteLine(strings(_lang, 18)) Console.ReadKey() End Sub Sub TestGenerator() Randomize() Dim count As Long Dim rnd As New Random Console.Write(strings(_lang, 25)) Count = Console.ReadLine() Dim mass(count) As Double For i = 0 to Ubound(mass) mass(i) = rnd.NextDouble() Next Dim pogr As Double = 0 Dim sr As Double = mass.Sum() / Count pogr = Math.abs((sr - 0.5) / 0.5) * 100 Console.WriteLine(strings(_lang,26) + pogr.ToString("0.#####") + "%") Console.ReadKey() End Sub Sub Menu() Console.Clear() Console.WriteLine(strings(_lang, 27)) Console.WriteLine(strings(_lang, 28)) Console.WriteLine(strings(_lang, 29)) Console.WriteLine(strings(_lang, 30)) Console.WriteLine(strings(_lang, 31)) Console.WriteLine(strings(_lang, 32)) Console.WriteLine(strings(_lang, 33)) Console.Write(">>> ") Dim input As Integer = Console.ReadLine Select Case input Case 0 Exit Sub Case 1 Console.Clear() Game() Menu() Case 2 Rules() Menu() Case 3 About() Menu() Case 4 TestGenerator() Menu() Case Else Exit Sub End Select End Sub Sub Main() Try If OperatingSystem.IsWindows() Then Console.SetWindowSize(100,40) Console.OutputEncoding = New UTF8Encoding() End If Console.BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.DarkBlue Randomize() Console.Clear() If _lang = -1 Then Console.WriteLine("Choose language / Выберете язык:") Console.WriteLine("1) Russian / Русский") Console.WriteLine("2) English / Английский") Console.Write(">>> ") _lang = Console.ReadLine() - 1 if _lang < 0 or _lang > 1 Then Console.WriteLine("Incorrect choose") Exit Sub End If Console.Clear() End If Intro() Menu() Catch Console.WriteLine(strings(_lang, 34)) Exit Sub End Try End Sub End Module