Decentralized & Secure
tea’s decentralization offers tangible benefits to ecosystem security. Every layer of your apps and dapps
+ is signed and verified on‐chain. Users can rest assured that the software they are using is what all its
+ creators intended.
$ sh <(curl tea.xyz) ci
In day to day development our decentralization increases reliability (leftpad is a sore memory) and gives
+ developers the flexibility they need to turn inspiration into empires; when a single proprietry vendor
+ controls how your stack is composed and deployed your stack is centralized and under their control.
- Your README, blog post or internal install instructions can all use the same, simple one‐liner.
We’re also saying goodbye to centralization at the installation layer. Say hello to native, built‐in
+ “version management”† for every tool in your stack and goodbye to dependency hell.
$ sh <(curl tea.xyz) install deno.land
- Here, our one‐liner installs deno to ./bin/deno. If tea is installed it integrates with that installation, if not the script just exits; tea itself is not installed either way. We’re happy to be just the transmission layer.