{{ define "main" }}

The tea style guide. Also, this is an H1.

We believe in open-sourcing everything... right down to our brand's look and feel. Also, this is an H2.

Working with a visible grid system in a responsive framework is difficult, but you can inspect these elements to see how we did it.

This H4 is intended to explain how we convert 'px' meaurements from design specs to 'vw' units. The formula for that is (vw = pixels / viewport total width x 100).

This is an H5, and it's primarily used for things like the headers inside the footer section. It's a small one, but should still always be in our primary tea'l color.

This is our 'lead' text and it's displays slightly larger than our regular paragraph text. This variant is used for sub-heads and important 'call-out' information. Each line's height should be equivalent to roughly 1/3 the height of a grid box.

And this is our good old-fashioned body copy. This font-size is on the larger end of what's considered standard for paragraph text. The monospace typeaces we're using, while super-cool, are not quite as ledgible as their variable-spaced counterparts. Thusly, we're over-compensating slightly. This variant, as well as the 'lead' text, should either be white (#fff) or 'Soft Black' (#1A1A1A)... depending on the background.

{{- partial "full-width-cta.html" . -}}
{{ end }}