{{ define "main" }}

Invisible yet powerful

Upgrade to Tea - the revolutionary, cross-platform package manager. Say goodbye to slow & clunky, and say hello to fast & smooth updates. From the creator of Brew.

tea... from the creator of brew

Introducing tea, the cross-platform package manager of the future. Say goodbye to slow package managers. With tea, simply type commands and it takes care of the rest. Get the latest version easily and support specific tool versions for different projects. Encoding dependencies in the README makes it readable by humans and tea, providing easier access for users. Experience better package management with tea.

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Install tea by running our one-liner

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As featured on

Binance Labs
Binance Labs
Binance Labs


And through that packaging infrastructure, we have plans of leveraging blockchain to help remunerate devs for their contributions to OSS. But first and foremost, we're a packaging tool that empowers devs to do what they do best, in the most equitable way possible.










We're currently on tea and our tea'm and community are working hard to make tea the most powerful package manager that the world has ever seen. If you have suggestions or thoughts on how tea could be improved even further, we'd love for you to join the discussion!

tea magic

Easily access the entire open source ecosystem with tea. Simply prefix your commands with "tea" and if the tool isn't installed, tea will install it for you. Add magic to your shell scripts and use developer environments to enhance your workflow.

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{{- partial "animation-1.html" . -}}

Developer Environments

Simplify your development environment setup with tea by automatically fetching the specific versions of tools your project needs. With a range of specifications, tea provides a seamless solution to manage project dependencies. Debug changes, supplement your environment, and see the full environment with ease.

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{{- partial "animation-2.html" . -}}

tea scripts

This is next-generation, cross-platform package management. With tea, you no longer have to install packages—just type the commands you need and tea does the rest. Enjoy seamless and flexible version control, with the full https://semver.org spec supported.

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Getting started with tea!

Tea is a cross-platform binary that can be easily installed using a curl command or by using the one-liner installer. The installer sets up tea and its shell magic without requiring "sudo" or Xcode Command Line Tools, and is compatible with Linux, macOS, and WSL. Package managers such as brew or Docker can also be used for installation, or you can use GitHub Actions to install tea as part of your workflow.

sh <(curl https://tea.xyz)

This will confirm before setting up ~/.tea and adding to your ~/.shellrc. Our one-liner even abstracts installing tea itself:

sh <(curl tea.xyz) bun run start

This will confirm before setting up ~/.tea and adding to your ~/.shellrc. Our one-liner even abstracts installing tea itself:

sh <(curl tea.xyz) bun run start

Don't just take our word for it; everybody's liking the new brew

Ready to start building?
All you need is tea.

Introducing tea’s +pkg syntax, the ultimate tool for streamlined open source access, allowing you to access the entire ecosystem with one command, compose and combine everything, and even more.

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OSS wouldn't work without talented contributors like you.

We at tea would like to give a big shout out to all the open-source developers out there. Your contributions and dedication to making the world a better place through technology is truly admirable. Thanks to your hard work and generosity, projects like teaxyz/cli can continue to improve and evolve. If you are interested in joining our team of code crusaders, we welcome you with open arms. Head on over to the teaxyz/cli repository on Github and start contributing today! Let's continue to make a positive impact on the world of technology together.

A mission to fix open-source development

tea is one of the first legitimate use cases for blockchain technology. Just as the US dollar was once backed by gold, we're building an economy that's backed by code.

We want to fix one of web2's biggest problems: hardworking developers not getting compensated for their contributions to building blocks of the internet. By leveraging blockchain technology we can keep track who creates & maintains what, remunerate them for their efforts with tea token, and keep FANG corporations from building empires atop unpaid labor.

Over the horizon
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