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synced 2024-11-23 11:25:05 +03:00
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<!-- Hero Section -->
<img id="tea-steam-dark-1" src="Images/tea-steam-dark-1.svg" alt="">
<img id="tea-steam-dark-2" src="Images/tea-steam-dark-2.svg" alt="">
<div class="container mb-lg-5 mb-md-5 mb-sm-0 mb-0 mt-lg-5 mt-md-5 mt-sm-0 mt-0">
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<h1 class="display-1 mb-4"><span class="yellow">Equitable</span> Open‐Source for web3</h1>
<p class="mb-5 fs-sm-5 fs-lg-6 lead">The tools that build the internet have steeped too long. For the past two
decades, big tech has made trillions off the generosity of visionary developers and web pioneers… never
thanking, never mentioning, and certainly never paying. At tea, we’re brewing something to change that by
enabling developers (you) to continue doing what you love, while earning what you deserve.</p>
<a class="btn btn-primary auth-btn mb-3" href="https://github.com/login/oauth/authorize?client_id=9d1f1a72f1300b6991df&state=teaxyz"
role="button">Authenticate with tea<span class="badge rounded-pill bg-primary ms-3"><span
<a class="btn btn-primary mb-sm-5 mb-md-5 mb-5" id="whitepaper-btn" href="/white-paper/"
role="button">Read Our White Paper</a>
<div class="col-lg-6 col-sm-12">
<div class="card ms-lg-5 ms-sm-0 mb-3" style="border-radius:15px; z-index:100;">
<div class="card-body my-auto"
style="display:flex; flex-direction:column; background-color: #23282C; border: 2px solid #54BAAB; border-radius:15px;">
<div class="p-lg-5 p-md-3 p-sm-0" style="margin-top:auto; margin-bottom:auto;">
<p class="card-title display-1"
style="color: #54BAAB; text-align:center; font-size: 6rem; font-family: 'Playfair Display', serif"><span
<p class="text-center" id="count-sub-text" style="text-transform:uppercase; color:#54BAAB;">Developers
<h5 class="mb-3" style="text-align:center; font-size:2rem;"><span id="communitea">Join the<span>
communi'<span style="color:#54BAAB;">tea</span></h5>
<!-- ^^ deliberate prime rather than apostrophe -->
<p class="card-text lead" id="revolution-text" style="text-align:center;">The revolution is here. We’re calling on all open‐source devs to authenticate their Github with tea.</p>
<p style="text-align:center;" id="auth-body-text">Developers who have contributed to OSS will be entitled to a variety of rewards, including minted NFT badges to honor your work so far. This is your chance to be an early member of our community: take a sip while it’s hot!</p>
<div class="box-auth-false">
<p class="text-center my-auto p-3">This is your chance to be early! <a
style="color:#54BAAB; text-decoration:none;"
href="https://github.com/login/oauth/authorize?client_id=9d1f1a72f1300b6991df&state=teaxyz"><strong>Authenticate now</strong></a>.</p>
<div class="box-auth-true">
<p class="text-center my-auto p-3" style="color:#23282C;"><i class="bi bi-check-circle-fill lead pe-2"
style="color:#23282C;"></i>Authenticated as <span id="auth-username">[username]</span></p>
<div class="card ms-lg-5 ms-sm-0 mx-auto" style="border-radius:15px; z-index:100;">
<div class="card-body my-auto" style="display:flex; flex-direction:column; background-color: #23282C; border: 2px solid #54BAAB; border-radius:15px;">
<div class="p-lg-2 p-md-2 p-sm-0 text-center">
<p class="ama-text mb-3">Join our discord, where you can talk to our team on the regular and ask anything. </p>
<a class="btn btn-primary discord-btn mb-2" href="https://discord.gg/KCZsXfJphn"
role="button">Join Discord</a>
background-color: #327280;
background-color: #388495 !important;
<!-- Mission Statement -->
<img id="tea-steam-1" src="Images/tea-steam-1.svg" alt="">
<img id="tea-steam-2" src="Images/tea-steam-2.svg" alt="">
<div class="row mission pb-5 pt-5">
<div class="container pb-5 pt-5">
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<h2 class="charcoal display-4" style="text-align:center;">The tools you need to keep on building.</h2>
<p class="charcoal lead" style="text-align:center;">Like its predecessor, brew, tea is the base of the
developer stack–seated beneath the tools that build the internet. Unlike its predecessor, tea leverages
blockchain and web3 technology to eliminate anonymity and deliver compensation.</p>
<!-- Web2 -->
<div class="container mb-5 mt-5 web2-container" id="why-tea">
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<div class="col-lg-6 col-md-12 col-sm-12 col-12 my-auto mb-5">
<p class="mb-5">WEB2</p>
<h3 class="mb-4 display-4">Thankless <span class="yellow">tech giants profit</span> from the generosity of
open‐source developers.</h3>
<p class="mb-4">For more than twenty years the Internet has been built upon the fruits of freely available
open‐source. Whenever a project enabled new functionality it was (whether desired or not) added as a
new brick in the tower of infrastructure; giving the Internet new powers and capabilities; becoming a new
foundation for all the innovations that followed. The maintainers of these new bricks became thanklessly
unpaid volunteers.</p>
<hr class="mb-4">
<h4><img src="Images/no-compensation.svg" alt="no compensation icon" class="feature-icon me-2"> No Compensation
<p class="mb-4 ps-5">Developers contribute innovations (bricks) to the tower of infrastructure that serves as a
feeding ground for big tech. Their efforts are capitalized on, yet they see none of that profit.</p>
<hr class="mb-4">
<h4><img src="Images/centralized.svg" alt="centralized icon" class="feature-icon me-2"> Centralized</h4>
<p class="mb-4 ps-5">Entire stacks are left at the mercy of single, proprietary vendors who control their
composition and deployment. This turns the “tower of bricks” into a game of Jenga.</p>
<hr class="mb-4">
<h4><img src="Images/obligation_maintain.svg" alt="obligation icon" class="feature-icon me-2"> Obligation to
<p class="ps-5">Open‐source authors are pressured by their peers and the community at large to
continuously maintain and update their contributions... again, without pay or gratitude.</p>
<div class="col-lg-6 col-sm-12 col-md-6 col-12 mx-auto web2-col my-auto">
<img class="web2-tower" style="display:block; margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto;" src="Images/web2-tower.svg"
<!-- Web3 -->
<div class="container web3-container">
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<div class="col order-lg-1 order-sm-2 order-2">
<img class="mt-5 web3-tower" src="/Images/web-3-towerAsset-2.svg" alt="">
<div class="col-lg-6 col-sm-12 my-auto order-lg-2 order-sm-1 order-1">
<p class="mb-5">WEB3</p>
<h3 class="mb-4 display-4">Blockchain <span class="yellow">empowers developers</span> to contribute to
open‐source while <span class="yellow">reaping overdue benefits</span>.</h3>
<p class="mb-4">The problem has always existed, but the technology to solve it hasn’t. tea facilitates the graph
of open source that underpins all modern digital infrastructure. We’re putting it on‐chain creating a map
we’ll use to guide value redistribution to the open source that makes the Internet possible.
We’re not changing how open source works—it’s still free. web3 has introduced powerful new paradigms that
allow value to be compensated without direct payment. Creator economy, meet open source.</p>
<hr class="mb-4">
<h4><img src="Images/token_rewards.svg" alt="token rewards icon" class="me-2"> Token Rewards</h4>
<p class="mb-4 ps-5">Through tea, open‐source contributors are rewarded with our flagship token relative
to aggregate usage and sweat equity. Now, devs are able to monetize their generosity. </p>
<hr class="mb-4">
<h4><img src="Images/decentralized.svg" alt="tea.xyz is decentralized" class="me-2"> De-Centralized</h4>
<p class="mb-4 ps-5">web3 turns the “Jenga” game back into a tower of stable bricks. By putting everything
on-chain, we’re ensuring that entire stacks will no longer sit at the mercy of sole developers.</p>
<hr class="mb-4">
<h4><img src="Images/transferrable.svg" alt="tea.xyz is transferrable" class="me-2"> Transferrable</h4>
<p class="ps-5">Devs are not obligated to dedicate years to maintaining a single project. Instead, they can
transfer ownership to another interested party and move on to creating something else. </p>
<!-- Features & Benefits -->
<div class="container mb-5 mt-5" id="features">
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<h2 class="display-4" style="text-align:center;">What makes it <span class="yellow">great</span>?</h2>
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<div class="col-12 col-sm-12 col-md-12 col-lg-4 mb-4">
<div class="card mb-4">
<div class="card-body p-4">
<img src="Images/cross-platform.svg" alt="" class="mb-3">
<h4 class="mb-4">Cross Platform Compatible</h4>
<p>Wherever you develop, wherever your CI/CD runs, however you deploy your app, tea is there. We abstract
this detail away so you can get on with the work that matters to you.<br><br>
<code class="language-javascript">$ sh <(curl tea.xyz) ci</code><br><br>
Your README, blog post or internal install instructions can all use the same, simple one‐liner.<br><br>
<code class="language-javascript">$ sh <(curl tea.xyz) install deno.land</code><br><br>
Here, our one‐liner installs deno to ./bin/deno. If tea is installed it integrates with that installation,
if not the script just exits; tea itself is not installed either way. We’re happy to be just the
transmission layer.</p>
<div class="card">
<div class="card-body p-4">
<img src="Images/delightful-dev.svg" alt="" class="mb-3">
<h4 class="mb-4">Delightful DevExperience</h4>
<p>tea is built with a “it just works” philosophy. It’s our job to set you up for success and then get out
of your way so you can work as effectively as possible. Development is hard enough without the toolset
being a source of pain as well.</p>
<p>Much like its predecessor, brew, tea is full of delightful touches. You’ll have to try it and see.</p>
<p>Of course delightful also means fast. You’ve got plenty to do and need tools that respect your time.</p>
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<div class="card mb-4">
<div class="card-body p-4">
<img src="Images/designed-teams.svg" alt="" class="mb-3">
<h4 class="mb-4">Designed for tea’ms</h4>
<p>Good developers create. Great developers collaborate.</p>
<p>You don’t work alone and neither should the tool that sits at the root of your stack. We’re designing tea
to be super great for teams.</p>
<p>tea sets your stack up right and makes working with it a delight so you and your team can focus on
building what matters.</p>
<div class="card mb-4">
<div class="card-body p-4">
<img src="Images/decentralized-secure.svg" alt="" class="mb-3">
<h4 class="mb-4">Decentralized & Secure</h4>
<p>tea’s decentralization offers tangible benefits to ecosystem security. Every layer of your apps and dapps
is signed and verified on‐chain. Users can rest assured that the software they are using is what all its
creators intended.</p>
<p>In day to day development our decentralization increases reliability (leftpad is a sore memory) and gives
developers the flexibility they need to turn inspiration into empires; when a single proprietry vendor
controls how your stack is composed and deployed your stack is centralized and under their control.</p>
<p>We’re also saying goodbye to centralization at the installation layer. Say hello to native, built‐in
“version management”† for every tool in your stack and goodbye to dependency hell.</p>
<i style="color:#B7C7C7;">† similar to tools like rbenv, nvm or Python’s virtualenv.</i></p>
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<div class="card-body p-4">
<img src="Images/open-governance.svg" alt="" class="mb-3">
<h4 class="mb-4">Open Governance</h4>
<p>We believe the open source community needs to direct and control the ecosystem we will help launch. The
DAO will be an open, transparent and evolving governance structure where the depth of your contributions
will matter more than the depth of your pocket.</p>
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<div class="card-body p-4">
<img src="Images/help-build.svg" alt="" class="mb-3">
<h4 class="mb-4">Want to Help Us Build It?</h4>
<p>Join the team that is both fixing how open source is funded and creating the tools that will accelerate
its creation for the benefit of all humanity.</p>
<p>Max Howell, our CEO, created brew. He’s a self‐taught developer, yet has written software used by tens of
millions of people. He doesn’t care if you know how to invert a binary tree. If you have a passion for
changing the world and have built some cool stuff then why not <a
style="color:#8EC7BF; text-decoration:none;" href="mailto:hello@tea.xyz"><strong>email us</strong></a>
and speak for what job you have in mind?</p>
<!-- Partners -->
<div class="container partners mt-5 mb-5">
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<div class="col mb-5">
<h3 style="text-align:center;" class="display-5">What’s a revolution without <span class="yellow">powerful
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<div class="col-12 col-sm-12 col-lg-12 my-auto">
<a href="https://www.binance.com/en/blog/ecosystem/binance-labs-leads-$8-million-seed-funding-round-for-tea-421499824684903608"
style="cursor:pointer;"><img id="binance" class="partner-img" src="Images/binance.svg"
alt="Proud of Binance"></a>
<!-- Community Links -->
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<div class="container p-4" id="community">
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<div class="col">
<h3 style="text-align:center;" class="mb-5 display-5">Join the Community</h3>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-6 col-sm-6 col-lg">
<a href="https://discord.gg/KCZsXfJphn">
<div class="com-card mb-4">
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<div class="col-6 col-sm-6 col-lg">
<a href="https://twitter.com/teaxyz_">
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<div class="col-6 col-sm-6 col-lg">
<a href="https://t.me/tea_xyz">
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<a href="https://reddit.com/r/teaxyz">
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