
238 lines
8.2 KiB

package main
import (
tea "github.com/charmbracelet/bubbletea"
mcobra "github.com/muesli/mango-cobra"
// PopUnsafeHTML is the environment variable that enables unsafe HTML in the
// email body.
const PopUnsafeHTML = "POP_UNSAFE_HTML"
// ResendAPIKey is the environment variable that enables Resend as a delivery
// method and uses it to send the email.
const ResendAPIKey = "RESEND_API_KEY" //nolint:gosec
// PopFrom is the environment variable that sets the default "from" address.
const PopFrom = "POP_FROM"
// PopSignature is the environment variable that sets the default signature.
const PopSignature = "POP_SIGNATURE"
// PopSMTPHost is the host for the SMTP server if the user is using the SMTP delivery method.
const PopSMTPHost = "POP_SMTP_HOST"
// PopSMTPPort is the port for the SMTP server if the user is using the SMTP delivery method.
const PopSMTPPort = "POP_SMTP_PORT"
// PopSMTPUsername is the username for the SMTP server if the user is using the SMTP delivery method.
const PopSMTPUsername = "POP_SMTP_USERNAME"
// PopSMTPPassword is the password for the SMTP server if the user is using the SMTP delivery method.
const PopSMTPPassword = "POP_SMTP_PASSWORD" //nolint:gosec
// PopSMTPEncryption is the encryption type for the SMTP server if the user is using the SMTP delivery method.
const PopSMTPEncryption = "POP_SMTP_ENCRYPTION" //nolint:gosec
// PopSMTPInsecureSkipVerify is whether or not to skip TLS verification for the
// SMTP server if the user is using the SMTP delivery method.
var (
from string
to []string
cc []string
bcc []string
subject string
body string
attachments []string
preview bool
unsafe bool
signature string
smtpHost string
smtpPort int
smtpUsername string
smtpPassword string
smtpEncryption string
smtpInsecureSkipVerify bool
resendAPIKey string
var rootCmd = &cobra.Command{
Use: "pop",
Short: "Send emails from your terminal",
Long: `Pop is a tool for sending emails from your terminal.`,
RunE: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
var deliveryMethod DeliveryMethod
switch {
case resendAPIKey != "":
deliveryMethod = Resend
case smtpUsername != "" && smtpPassword != "":
deliveryMethod = SMTP
from = smtpUsername
if deliveryMethod == None {
fmt.Printf("\n %s %s %s\n\n", errorHeaderStyle.String(), inlineCodeStyle.Render(ResendAPIKey), "environment variable is required.")
fmt.Printf(" %s %s\n\n", commentStyle.Render("You can grab one at"), linkStyle.Render("https://resend.com/api-keys"))
cmd.SilenceUsage = true
cmd.SilenceErrors = true
return errors.New("missing required environment variable")
if hasStdin() {
b, err := io.ReadAll(os.Stdin)
if err != nil {
return err
body = string(b)
if signature != "" {
body += "\n\n" + signature
if len(to) > 0 && from != "" && subject != "" && body != "" && !preview {
var err error
switch deliveryMethod {
case SMTP:
err = sendSMTPEmail(to, cc, bcc, from, subject, body, attachments)
case Resend:
err = sendResendEmail(to, cc, bcc, from, subject, body, attachments)
err = fmt.Errorf("unknown delivery method")
if err != nil {
cmd.SilenceUsage = true
cmd.SilenceErrors = true
return err
fmt.Print(emailSummary(to, subject))
return nil
p := tea.NewProgram(NewModel(resend.SendEmailRequest{
From: from,
To: to,
Subject: subject,
Text: body,
Attachments: makeAttachments(attachments),
}, deliveryMethod))
m, err := p.Run()
if err != nil {
return err
mm := m.(Model)
if !mm.abort {
fmt.Print(emailSummary(strings.Split(mm.To.Value(), ToSeparator), mm.Subject.Value()))
return nil
// hasStdin returns whether there is data in stdin.
func hasStdin() bool {
stat, err := os.Stdin.Stat()
return err == nil && (stat.Mode()&os.ModeCharDevice) == 0
var (
// Version stores the build version of VHS at the time of package through
// -ldflags.
// go build -ldflags "-s -w -X=main.Version=$(VERSION)"
Version string
// CommitSHA stores the git commit SHA at the time of package through -ldflags.
CommitSHA string
// ManCmd is the cobra command for the manual.
var ManCmd = &cobra.Command{
Use: "man",
Short: "Generate man page",
Long: `To generate the man page`,
Args: cobra.NoArgs,
Hidden: true,
RunE: func(_ *cobra.Command, _ []string) error {
page, err := mcobra.NewManPage(1, rootCmd) // .
if err != nil {
return err
page = page.WithSection("Copyright", "© 2023 Charmbracelet, Inc.\n"+"Released under MIT License.")
return nil
func init() {
rootCmd.Flags().StringSliceVar(&bcc, "bcc", []string{}, "BCC recipients")
rootCmd.Flags().StringSliceVar(&cc, "cc", []string{}, "CC recipients")
rootCmd.Flags().StringSliceVarP(&attachments, "attach", "a", []string{}, "Email's attachments")
rootCmd.Flags().StringSliceVarP(&to, "to", "t", []string{}, "Recipients")
rootCmd.Flags().StringVarP(&body, "body", "b", "", "Email's contents")
envFrom := os.Getenv(PopFrom)
rootCmd.Flags().StringVarP(&from, "from", "f", envFrom, "Email's sender"+commentStyle.Render("($"+PopFrom+")"))
rootCmd.Flags().StringVarP(&subject, "subject", "s", "", "Email's subject")
rootCmd.Flags().BoolVar(&preview, "preview", false, "Whether to preview the email before sending")
envUnsafe := os.Getenv(PopUnsafeHTML) == "true"
rootCmd.Flags().BoolVarP(&unsafe, "unsafe", "u", envUnsafe, "Whether to allow unsafe HTML in the email body, also enable some extra markdown features (Experimental)")
envSignature := os.Getenv(PopSignature)
rootCmd.Flags().StringVarP(&signature, "signature", "x", envSignature, "Signature to display at the end of the email."+commentStyle.Render("($"+PopSignature+")"))
envSMTPHost := os.Getenv(PopSMTPHost)
rootCmd.Flags().StringVarP(&smtpHost, "smtp.host", "H", envSMTPHost, "Host of the SMTP server"+commentStyle.Render("($"+PopSMTPHost+")"))
envSMTPPort, _ := strconv.Atoi(os.Getenv(PopSMTPPort))
if envSMTPPort == 0 {
envSMTPPort = 587
rootCmd.Flags().IntVarP(&smtpPort, "smtp.port", "P", envSMTPPort, "Port of the SMTP server"+commentStyle.Render("($"+PopSMTPPort+")"))
envSMTPUsername := os.Getenv(PopSMTPUsername)
rootCmd.Flags().StringVarP(&smtpUsername, "smtp.username", "U", envSMTPUsername, "Username of the SMTP server"+commentStyle.Render("($"+PopSMTPUsername+")"))
envSMTPPassword := os.Getenv(PopSMTPPassword)
rootCmd.Flags().StringVarP(&smtpPassword, "smtp.password", "p", envSMTPPassword, "Password of the SMTP server"+commentStyle.Render("($"+PopSMTPPassword+")"))
envSMTPEncryption := os.Getenv(PopSMTPEncryption)
rootCmd.Flags().StringVarP(&smtpEncryption, "smtp.encryption", "e", envSMTPEncryption, "Encryption type of the SMTP server (starttls, ssl, or none)"+commentStyle.Render("($"+PopSMTPEncryption+")"))
envInsecureSkipVerify := os.Getenv(PopSMTPInsecureSkipVerify) == "true"
rootCmd.Flags().BoolVarP(&smtpInsecureSkipVerify, "smtp.insecure", "i", envInsecureSkipVerify, "Skip TLS verification with SMTP server"+commentStyle.Render("($"+PopSMTPInsecureSkipVerify+")"))
envResendAPIKey := os.Getenv(ResendAPIKey)
rootCmd.Flags().StringVarP(&resendAPIKey, "resend.key", "r", envResendAPIKey, "API key for the Resend.com"+commentStyle.Render("($"+ResendAPIKey+")"))
rootCmd.CompletionOptions.HiddenDefaultCmd = true
if len(CommitSHA) >= 7 { //nolint:gomnd
vt := rootCmd.VersionTemplate()
rootCmd.SetVersionTemplate(vt[:len(vt)-1] + " (" + CommitSHA[0:7] + ")\n")
if Version == "" {
if info, ok := debug.ReadBuildInfo(); ok && info.Main.Sum != "" {
Version = info.Main.Version
} else {
Version = "unknown (built from source)"
rootCmd.Version = Version
func main() {
err := rootCmd.Execute()
if err != nil {